pyforce.offline package


pyforce.offline.geim module

class pyforce.offline.geim.GEIM(domain, V: dolfinx.fem.FunctionSpace, name: str, s=0.01)[source]

Bases: object

This class is used to perform the offline phase of the Generalised Empirical Interpolation Method (GEIM) to a scalar field. Given a list of training snapshots, this class generates the magic functions and sensors through a greedy algorithm.

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh) – Mesh of the problem onto which the sensors are generated.

  • V (FunctionSpace) – Functional space of the snapshots.

  • name (str) – Name of the snapshots (e.g., temperature T)

  • s (float) – Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel for the sensors

assemble_penalisation_matrix(train_snap: FunctionsList, Mmax: int, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Construct penalisation matrix for the TR-GEIM

offline(train_snap: FunctionsList, Mmax: int, xm=None, sampleEvery=5, verbose=False)[source]

The greedy algorithm chooses the magic functions and magic sensors by minimising the reconstruction error.

  • train_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots serving as training set.

  • Mmax (int) – Integer input indicating the maximum number of functions and sensors to define

  • xm (list, optional (default = None)) – User-defined available positions for the sensors, if None the positions are taken from the mesh elements.

  • sampleEvery (int, optional (default = 5)) – If xm is not None, sampling rate for the selection of points from the mesh

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, print of the progress is enabled.


  • maxAbsErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute error measured in \(L^2\)

  • maxRelErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum relative error measured in \(L^2\)

  • beta_coeff (np.ndarray) – Matrix of the reduced coefficients \(\{ \beta_m \}_{m=1}^M\), obtained by greedy procedure

reconstruct(snap: dolfinx.fem.Function, Mmax: int)[source]

Computes the reduced coefficients \(\{\beta_m\}_{m=1}^{M_{max}}\) with ‘Mmax’ magic functions/sensors (synthetic) and returns the vector measurement from the snapshots \(u\)

\[y_m = v_m(u) \qquad m = 1, \dots, M_{max}\]
  • snap (Function) – Function from which the measuremets are computed.

  • Mmax (int) – Maximum number of sensors to use


  • beta_coeff (np.ndarray) – Array of coefficients for the interpolant \(\{\beta_m\}_{m=1}^{M_{max}}\)

  • Measure (np.ndarray) – Array with the evaluation of the snap \(u\) at the sensors locations

test_error(test_snap: FunctionsList, Mmax: int | None = None, verbose=False)[source]

The absolute and relative error on the test set is computed, by solving the GEIM system

\[\mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\beta} = \mathbf{y}\]
  • test_snap (FunctionsList) – List of functions belonging to the test set to reconstruct with GEIM

  • Mmax (int, optional (default = None)) – Maximum number of magic functions to use (if None is set to the number of magic functions/sensors)

  • verbose (boolean, optional (default = False)) – If true, output is printed.


  • meanAbsErr (np.ndarray) – Average absolute error measured in \(L^2\)

  • meanRelErr (np.ndarray) – Average relative error measured in \(L^2\)

  • coeff_matrix – Matrix of the reduced coefficients, obtained by the solving the GEIM linear system

pyforce.offline.geim.computeLebesgue(magic_fun: FunctionsList, magic_sens: FunctionsList)[source]

The Lebesgue constant \(\Lambda_M\) is computed from the magic functions and sensors, to measure the good properties of the interpolation procedure. This function follows the implementation reported in


Lebesgue – Array containing the Lebesgue constant at different number of sensors

Return type:


pyforce.offline.pbdw module

class pyforce.offline.pbdw.PBDW(basis_functions: FunctionsList, basis_sensors: FunctionsList, is_H1: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

A class implementing the a priori error analysis of the Parameterised-Background Data-Weak (PBDW) formulation, given a list of sensors’ Riesz representation \(\{g_m\}_{m=1}^M\) for the update space and basis functions \(\{\zeta_n\}_{n=1}^N\) for the reduced one. In particular, the following matrices are defined \((n,n' = 1,\dots,N)\) and \((m,m' = 1,\dots,M)\)


given \(\mathcal{U}\) as the functional space.

  • basis_functions (FunctionsList) – List of functions spanning the reduced space

  • basis_sensors (FunctionsList) – List of sensors representation spanning the update space

  • is_H1 (boolean, optional (default=False)) – If True, the Riesz representation in \(H^1\) is used.

compute_infsup(N: int, M: int)[source]

Compute the inf-sup constant \(\beta_{N,M}\) for the couple basis functions (dimension \(N\)) - basis sensors (dimension \(M\)). It’s the square root of the minimum eigenvalue of the following eigenvalue problem

\[\mathbb{K}^T\mathbb{A}^{-1}\mathbb{K}\mathbf{z}_k = \lambda_k \mathbb{Z}\mathbf{z}_k \qquad\Longrightarrow\qquad \beta_{N,M} = \min\limits_{k=1,\dots,N} \sqrt{\lambda_k}\]
  • N (int) – Dimension of the reduced space to use

  • M (int) – Dimension of the update space to use


inf_sup – Inf-sup constant \(\{\beta_{N,m}\}_{m=1}^M\) (fixed \(N\)), measuring how good the update space spanned by basis sensors is.

Return type:


pyforce.offline.pod module

class pyforce.offline.pod.DiscretePOD(train_snap: FunctionsList, name: str, Nmax=None, random=False)[source]

Bases: object

A class to perform the POD on a list of snapshots \(u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\) dependent on some parameter \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\). This class is used for several kind of inputs (FunctionsList, vectors, images, matrices…).

The snapshots are represented by a matrix \(\mathbb{S}\in\mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}_h\times N_s}\), such that

\[\mathbb{S}_{ij} = u(\mathbf{x}_i;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}_j)\]

in which the dependence on \(\mathbf{x}_i\) can be a true spatial dependence or the dofs of a matrix/image.

The basis functions are computed using the svd, i.e.

\[\mathbb{U}, \Sigma, \mathbb{V}^\dagger = \text{svd}(\mathbb{S})\]

The basis functions are orthogonal in \(l_2\) sense, hence the matrix containing the modes is orthogonal.

  • train_snap (FunctionsMatrix or FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the POD is performed.

  • name (str) – Name of the field.

  • Nmax (int, optional (default=None)) – If None the full matrices are stored, else only the first Nmax.

  • random (bool, optional (default = False)) – If True and if Nmax is provided, the randomised SVD is used.

projection(snap: ndarray, N: int | None = None)[source]

The reduced coefficients \(\mathbf{V}^\dagger_\star\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N_\star}\) of snap\(=\mathbb{S}_\star\in\mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}_h\times N_\star}\) using N modes \(\mathbb{U}\in\mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}_h\times N}\) are computed using projection in \(l_2\), i.e.

\[\mathbf{V}^\dagger_\star = \Sigma^{-1}\mathbb{U}^T\mathbb{S}_\star\]
  • snap (np.ndarray) – Matrix object to project onto the reduced space of dimension N. Must be \((\mathcal{N}_h, N_\star)\).

  • N (int, optional (default = None)) – Dimension of the reduced space, modes to be used. If None all the modes are used.


coeff – Modal POD coefficients of snap, \(\mathbf{V}^\dagger_\star\).

Return type:


reconstruct(Vh_star: ndarray)[source]

The reduced coefficients \(\mathbf{V}^\dagger_\star\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N_\star}\) are used to decode into the Full Order space \(\mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}_h}\) using N modes \(\mathbb{U}\in\mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}_h\times N}\).

\[\mathbb{S}_\star = \mathbb{U}\Sigma\mathbf{V}^\dagger_\star\]

Vh_star (np.ndarray) – Matrix object containing the POD coefficients. Must be \((N, N_\star)\).


snaps – Reconstructed field returned as an element of \(\mathbf{R}^{\mathcal{N_h}\times N_\star}\).

Return type:


train_error(train_snap: FunctionsList, maxBasis: int, verbose=False)[source]

The maximum absolute \(E_N\) and relative \(\varepsilon_N\) error on the train set is computed, by projecting it onto the reduced space in \(l^2\)-sense

\[E_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{train}}} \left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{2}\]
\[\varepsilon_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{train}}} \frac{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{2}}{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{2}}\]
  • train_snap (FunctionsMatrix or FunctionsList) – List of snapshots to project and compute errors

  • maxBasis (int) – Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to use.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, print of the progress is enabled.


  • maxAbsErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • maxRelErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

class pyforce.offline.pod.POD(train_snap: FunctionsList, name: str, use_scipy=False, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: object

A class to perform the POD on a list of snapshots \(u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\) dependent on some parameter \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\mathcal{P}\subset\mathbb{R}^p\). This class is used for FunctionsList, the POD modes are obtained from the eigendecomposition of the correlation matrix \(C\in\mathbb{R}^{N_s\times N_s}\)

\[C_{ij} = \left(u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}_i),\,u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}_j)\right)_{L^2}\qquad i,j = 1, \dots, N_s\]
\[C \boldsymbol{\eta_n} = \lambda_n \boldsymbol{\eta_n}\qquad\qquad\qquad n = 1, \dots, N_s\]

The eigenvalues \(\lambda_n\) and eigenvectors \(\boldsymbol{\eta_n}\) are immediately computed.

  • train_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the POD is performed.

  • name (str) – Name of the field.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, print of the progress is enabled.

GramSchmidt(fun: dolfinx.fem.Function) ndarray[source]

Perform a step of the Gram-Schmidt process on POD modes \(\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^r\) adding fun \(=f\) to enforce the orthonormality in \(L^2\)

\[\psi_{r+1} = f - \sum_{k=1}^r \frac{(f, \psi_k)_{L^2}}{(\psi_k, \psi_k)_{L^2}}\psi_k\]

fun (Function) – Function to add to the POD basis.


normalised_fun – Orthonormalised function \(\psi_{r+1}\) with respect to the POD basis \(\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^r\).

Return type:


compute_basis(train_snap: FunctionsList, maxBasis: int, normalise=False) None[source]

Computes the POD modes.

To enforce the orthonormality in \(L^2\), the Gram-Schmidt procedure can be used, if the number of modes to be used is high the numerical error in the eigendecomposition may be too large and the orthonormality is lost.

  • train_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the POD is performed.

  • maxBasis (int) – Integer input indicating the number of modes to define.

  • normalise (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, the Gram-Schmidt procedure is used to normalise the POD modes.

mode(train_snap: FunctionsList, r: int) dolfinx.fem.Function[source]

Computes the r-th POD mode, according to the following formula

\[\psi_{r} (\mathbf{x})= \frac{1}{\lambda_r}\sum_{i=1}^{N_s} \eta_{r, i}\,u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}_i)\]
  • train_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the POD is performed.

  • r (int) – Integer input indicating the mode to define.

projection(u: dolfinx.fem.Function, N: int) ndarray[source]

The reduced coefficients \(\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1}^N\) of u using N modes \(\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^N\) are computed using projection in \(L_2\), i.e.

\[\alpha_k(\boldsymbol{\mu}) = (u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}), \,\psi_k)_{L^2}\qquad k = 1, \dots, N\]
  • u (Function) – Function object to project onto the reduced space of dimension N.

  • N (int) – Dimension of the reduced space, modes to be used.


coeff – Modal POD coefficients of u, \(\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1}^N\).

Return type:


test_error(test_snap: FunctionsList, maxBasis: int, verbose: bool = False)[source]

The average absolute \(E_N\) and relative \(\varepsilon_N\) error on the test set is computed, by projecting it onto the reduced space in \(L^2\)-sense

\[E_N = \left\langle \left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2} \right\rangle_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{test}}}\]
\[\varepsilon_N =\left\langle \frac{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}}{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{L^2}} \right\rangle_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{test}}}\]
  • test_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the test error of the POD basis is performed.

  • maxBasis (int) – Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to use.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, print of the progress is enabled.


  • meanAbsErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • maxRelErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • coeff_matrix (np.ndarray) – Matrix of the modal coefficients, obtained by projection in \(L^2\).

train_error(train_snap: FunctionsList, maxBasis: int, verbose: bool = False) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

The maximum absolute \(E_N\) and relative \(\varepsilon_N\) error on the train set is computed, by projecting it onto the reduced space in \(L^2\)-sense

\[E_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{train}}} \left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}\]
\[\varepsilon_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{train}}} \frac{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}}{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{L^2}}\]
  • train_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the train error of the POD basis is performed.

  • maxBasis (int) – Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to use.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, print of the progress is enabled.


  • maxAbsErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • maxRelErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • coeff_matrix (np.ndarray) – Matrix of the modal coefficients, obtained by projection in \(L^2\).

pyforce.offline.sensors module

class pyforce.offline.sensors.GaussianSensors(domain, V: dolfinx.fem.FunctionSpace, s: float, assemble_riesz: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

A class to define normalised gaussian sensors in terms of functional to mimic measurements of scalar fields. The measurement procedure is described through a linear functional with gaussian kernel, i.e.

\[v_k = v(u;\,\mathbf{x}_k,s) = \int_\Omega u(\mathbf{x})\cdot g(\mathbf{x};\,\mathbf{x}_k,s)\,d\Omega \qquad \text{ given } g(\mathbf{x};\,\mathbf{x}_k,s) = \frac{e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_k}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}}{\displaystyle\int_\Omega e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_k}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}\,d\Omega}\]

such that \(v(1;\,\mathbf{x}_k,s) = 1\).

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh) – Mesh onto which the sensors are defined.

  • V (FunctionSpace) – Functional space onto which the kernel of the sensors are interpolated.

  • s (float) – Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel.

  • assemble_riesz (boolean, optional (Default: False)) – Logic variable indicating whether or not to assemble the variational forms for the Riesz representations.

action(fun: dolfinx.fem.Function, sens: FunctionsList)[source]

Given an input function fun \(=f\) and a list of sensors \(\{v_m\}_{m=1}^M\), the action of the sensor is applied to the function, as an inner product in \(L^2\):

\[y_m = v_m\left(f\right)\qquad m = 1, \dots, M\]
  • fun (Function) – Function onto which the action is applied.

  • sens (FunctionsList) – List of available sensors


measure – Vector \(\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M\), whose dimension is equal to the number of input sensors.

Return type:


action_single(fun: dolfinx.fem.Function, sensor: dolfinx.fem.Function)[source]

Given an input function fun \(=f\) and a sensors \(v_m\), the action of the sensor is applied to the function, as an inner product in \(L^2\):

\[y_m = v_m\left(f\right)\]
  • fun (Function) – Function onto which the action is applied.

  • sensor (Function) – Riesz representation of the sensor


measure – Scalar \(y_m\) with the measure of the function with respect to the sensor \(v_m\).

Return type:


create(xm: list | None = None, sampleEvery: int = 10, is_H1: bool = False, verbose=False) FunctionsList[source]

This function creates the list of sensors (using Riesz representation either in \(L^2\) or in \(H^1\)), either by sampling from the mesh or from a prescribed list of positions.

  • xm (list, optional (Default: None)) – Possible List of positions for the sensors inside the domain.

  • sampleEvery (int, optional (Default: 10)) – Integers indicating sampling rate to be used on the mesh, if x_m is None.

  • is_H1 (bool, optional (Default: False)) – If True, the Riesz representation in \(H^1\) is used.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, printing is enabled.


sens_list – List of kernel functions using a Riesz representation in \(L^2\)

Return type:


define(x_m: ndarray) dolfinx.fem.Function[source]

Given a position \(x_m\) defines the kernel function of the sensor as a Gaussian with given point spread s

\[g(\mathbf{x};\,\mathbf{x}_m,s) = \frac{e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}}{\displaystyle\int_\Omega e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}\,d\Omega}\]

This kernel function is the Riesz representation \(q_m\) in \(L^2\) of the functional, i.e.

\[(q_m, \varphi)_{L^2} = \int_\Omega q_m\cdot \varphi \,d\Omega = v_m(\varphi)\qquad \forall \varphi\in L^2\]
define_riesz(x_m: ndarray) dolfinx.fem.Function[source]

Given a position \(x_m\) defines the kernel function \(q_m\) of the sensor as the Riesz representation in \(H^1\) of the functional, i.e.

\[(q_m, \varphi)_{H^1} = \int_\Omega q_m\cdot \varphi \,d\Omega + \int_\Omega \nabla q_m\cdot \nabla \varphi \,d\Omega = v_m(\varphi)\qquad \forall \varphi\in H^1\]
class pyforce.offline.sensors.SGREEDY(domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, basis: FunctionsList, V: dolfinx.fem.FunctionSpace, name: str, s: float)[source]

Bases: object

A class to perform the SGREEDY algorithm, given a list of basis functions \(\{\phi_n\}_{n=1}^N\).

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh) – Mesh for the sensor placement.

  • basis (FunctionsList) – List of basis functions \(\{\phi_n\}_{n=1}^N\), previously generated.

  • V (FunctionSpace) – Functional space of the functions.

  • name (str) – Name of the snapshots (e.g., temperature T)

  • s (float) – Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel for the sensors

approx_loop(Mmax: int, is_H1: bool = True)[source]

Approximation loop for the selection of sensors position with a Riesz representation \(\{g_m\}_{m=1}^M\) either in \(L^2\) or \(H^1\). At each step m, the next position is selected by the following

\[\mathbf{x}_{m+1} = \text{arg }\max\limits_{\mathbf{x}\in \Omega^\star}\left(\min\limits_{i=1, \dots, m} \| \mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_i\|_2\right)\]

given $Omega^starsubsetOmega$ a subset of the whole domain, in which sensors are allowed to be placed. Once the position is known, the functional and its Riesz representation are straightforwardly defined.

  • Mmax (int) – Maximum number of sensors allows.

  • is_H1 (bool, optional (Default: False)) – If True, the Riesz representation in \(H^1\) is used.

generate(N: int, Mmax: int, tol: float = 0.2, xm: list | None = None, sampleEvery: int = 10, is_H1: bool = False, verbose=False)[source]

Selection of sensors position with a Riesz representation \(\{g_m\}_{m=1}^M\) either in \(L^2\) or \(H^1\). The positions of the sensors are either freely selected on the mesh or given as input.

  • N (int) – Dimension of the reduced space.

  • Mmax (int) – Maximum number of sensors to select.

  • tol (float, optional (Default=0.2)) – Tolerance to exit the stability loop

  • xm (list, optional (Default=None)) – If not None, list of available positions for the sensors.

  • sampleEvery (int, optional (Default = 10)) – Sampling points on the mesh.

  • is_H1 (bool, optional (Default: False)) – If True, the Riesz representation in \(H^1\) is used.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, printing is enabled.

pyforce.offline.weak_greedy module

class pyforce.offline.weak_greedy.WeakGreedy(V: dolfinx.fem.FunctionSpace, name: str)[source]

Bases: object

GrahmSchmidt(fun: dolfinx.fem.Function)[source]

Perform a step of the Gram-Schmidt process on basis functions \(\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^r\) adding fun \(=f\) to enforce the orthonormality in \(L^2\)

\[\psi_{r+1} = f - \sum_{k=1}^r \frac{(f, \psi_k)_{L^2}}{(\psi_k, \psi_k)_{L^2}}\psi_k\]

fun (Function) – Function to add to the WeakGreedy basis.


normalised_fun – Orthonormalised function \(\psi_{r+1}\) with respect to the WeakGreedy basis \(\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^r\).

Return type:


compute_basis(train_snap: FunctionsList, N: int, verbose=False)[source]

Computes the WeakGreedy (WG) basis functions (orthonormalised using Grahm-Schmidt), as the set of snapshots that minimises the reconstruction error.

  • train_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the WG algorithm is performed.

  • N (int) – Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to define


  • maxAbsErr – Maximum absolute error measured in \(L^2\)

  • maxRelErr – Maximum relative error measured in \(L^2\)

  • alpha_coeff – Matrix of the reduced coefficients, obtained by the \(L^2\) projection

projection(u: dolfinx.fem.Function, maxBasis: int)[source]

The reduced coefficients \(\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1}^N\) of u using N basis functions \(\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^N\) are computed using projection in \(L_2\), i.e.

\[\alpha_k(\boldsymbol{\mu}) = (u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}), \,\psi_k)_{L^2}\qquad k = 1, \dots, N\]
  • u (Function) – Function object to project onto the reduced space of dimension N.

  • maxBasis (int) – Dimension of the reduced space, modes to be used.


coeff – Reduced coefficients of u, \(\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1}^N\).

Return type:


test_error(test_snap: FunctionsList, maxBasis: int, verbose=False)[source]

The maximum absolute \(E_N\) and relative \(\varepsilon_N\) error on the test set is computed, by projecting it onto the reduced space in \(L^2\)-sense

\[E_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{test}}} \left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}\]
\[\varepsilon_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{test}}} \frac{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}}{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{L^2}}\]
  • test_snap (FunctionsList) – List of snapshots onto which the test error of the POD basis is performed.

  • maxBasis (int) – Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to use.

  • verbose (boolean, optional (Default = False)) – If True, print of the progress is enabled.


  • meanAbsErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • maxRelErr (np.ndarray) – Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.

  • coeff_matrix (np.ndarray) – Matrix of the modal coefficients, obtained by projection in \(L^2\).

Module contents


Offline phase of the pyforce library.