Installation notes
pyforce has been tested on MacOS and Linux machines with Python3.10.
The pyforce package requires the following dependencies:
import numpy
import scipy
import matplotlib
import h5py
import pyvista
import gmsh
import dolfinx
import sklearn
import fluidfoam
Be sure to install gmsh and gmsh-api before dolfinx (the package has been tested with real mode of the PETSc library). The instructions to install dolfinx are available at
Set up a conda environment for pyforce
Currently pyforce can only be obtained by directly cloning the repository (not in PyPI or conda repository).
It is suggested to create a conda environment: at first, clone the repository
git clone
create a conda environment using environment.yml
cd ROSE-pyforce
conda env create -f pyforce/environment.yml
activate the environment and then install the package using pip
conda activate pyforce-env
python -m pip install pyforce/
If the previous procedure encounters any issues, you can adopt a step-by-step approach: start by creating a new conda environment
conda create --name <env_name>
If not already done, add conda-forge to the channels
conda config --add channels conda-forge
After having activate it, install
conda install python=3.10
This provides also pip which is necessary to install gmsh as
python -m pip install gmsh gmsh-api
Then, dolfinx can be installed (real mode for petsc is supposed), currently only supports v0.6.0,
conda install fenics-dolfinx=0.6.0 mpich pyvista
Just for completeness, if you are to deal with complex numbers use the following command
conda install fenics-dolfinx=0.6.0 petsc=*=real* mpich pyvista
Add the following packages
conda install meshio scipy tqdm
Downgrade the following
python -m pip install setuptools==62.0.0
conda install numpy=1.23.5
Once this is completed, it may be necessary to re-install gmsh
python -m pip install gmsh gmsh-api
In the end, the fluidfoam ( and scikit-learn are necessary to import data from OpenFOAM and to integrate Machine Learning (ML) with ROM
python -m pip install fluidfoam scikit-learn
Once all the dependencies have been installed, pyforce can be installed using pip: clone the repository
git clone
Change directory to pyforce and install using pip
python -m pip install pyforce/