Installation notes
pyforce has been tested on MacOS and Linux machines with Python3.10.
The pyforce package requires the following dependencies:
import numpy
import scipy
import matplotlib
import h5py
import pyvista
import gmsh
import dolfinx
import sklearn
import fluidfoam
Be sure to install gmsh and gmsh-api before dolfinx (the package has been tested with real mode of the PETSc library). The instructions to install dolfinx are available at
Set up a conda environment for pyforce
Currently pyforce can only be obtained by directly cloning the repository (not in PyPI or conda repository). This procedure is the suggested one for both users and developers.
To ensure a quicker and easier installation, it is suggested to change the conda-solver to libmamba
conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba
At first, clone the repository
git clone
create a conda environment using environment.yml
cd ROSE-pyforce
conda env create -f pyforce/environment.yml
activate the environment and then install the package using pip
conda activate pyforce-env
python -m pip install pyforce/
If the previous procedure encounters any issues, you can adopt a step-by-step approach: start by creating a new conda environment
conda create --name <env_name>
If not already done, add conda-forge to the channels
conda config --add channels conda-forge
After having activate it, install
conda install python=3.10
This provides also pip which is necessary to install gmsh as
python -m pip install gmsh gmsh-api
Then, dolfinx can be installed (real mode for petsc is supposed), currently only supports v0.6.0,
conda install fenics-dolfinx=0.6.0 mpich pyvista
Just for completeness, if you are to deal with complex numbers use the following command
conda install fenics-dolfinx=0.6.0 petsc=*=real* mpich pyvista
Add the following packages
conda install meshio scipy tqdm
Downgrade the following
python -m pip install setuptools==62.0.0
conda install numpy=1.23.5
Once this is completed, it may be necessary to re-install gmsh
python -m pip install gmsh gmsh-api
In the end, the fluidfoam ( and scikit-learn are necessary to import data from OpenFOAM and to integrate Machine Learning (ML) with ROM
python -m pip install fluidfoam scikit-learn
Once all the dependencies have been installed, pyforce can be installed using pip: clone the repository
git clone
Change directory to ROSE-pyforce and install using pip
cd ROSE-pyforce
python -m pip install pyforce/