# Offline Phase: Weak-Greedy Algorithm
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 05 March 2024
# Latest Doc Update: 05 March 2024
import numpy as np
import warnings
from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace)
from pyforce.tools.backends import norms, LoopProgress
from pyforce.tools.functions_list import FunctionsList
# WeakGreedy offline + online (projection)
class WeakGreedy():
def __init__(self, V: FunctionSpace, name: str) -> None:
A class to perform the WeakGreedy algorithm on a list of snapshots :math:`u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})` dependent on some parameter :math:`\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\mathcal{P}\subset\mathbb{R}^p`.
V: FunctionSpace
Functional space of the snapshots
name : str
Name of the field.
self.V = V
self.norm = norms(self.V)
self.name = name
def GrahmSchmidt(self, fun: Function):
Perform a step of the Gram-Schmidt process on basis functions :math:`\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^r` adding `fun` :math:`=f` to enforce the orthonormality in :math:`L^2`
.. math::
\psi_{r+1} = f - \sum_{k=1}^r \frac{(f, \psi_k)_{L^2}}{(\psi_k, \psi_k)_{L^2}}\psi_k
fun : Function
Function to add to the WeakGreedy basis.
normalised_fun : Function
Orthonormalised function :math:`\psi_{r+1}` with respect to the WeakGreedy basis :math:`\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^r`.
ii = len(self.basis)
# Defining the summation term
_rescaling = list()
for jj in range(ii+1):
if jj < ii:
_rescaling.append( self.norm.L2innerProd(fun, self.basis(jj)) / self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis(jj), self.basis(jj)) * self.basis(jj) )
# Computing the normalised function
normalised_fun = fun - sum(_rescaling)
return normalised_fun / self.norm.L2norm(normalised_fun)
# Deprecated?
# for jj in range(ii+1):
# if jj < ii:
# fun.vector.axpy(- self.norm.L2innerProd(fun, self.basis(jj)) / self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis(jj), self.basis(jj)),
# self.basis.map(jj).vector)
# return fun.x.array[:] / self.norm.L2norm(fun)
def projection(self, u: Function, maxBasis: int):
The reduced coefficients :math:`\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1}^N` of `u` using `N` basis functions :math:`\{\psi_k\}_{k=1}^N` are computed using projection in :math:`L_2`, i.e.
.. math::
\alpha_k(\boldsymbol{\mu}) = (u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}), \,\psi_k)_{L^2}\qquad k = 1, \dots, N
u : Function
Function object to project onto the reduced space of dimension `N`.
maxBasis : int
Dimension of the reduced space, modes to be used.
coeff : np.ndarray
Reduced coefficients of `u`, :math:`\{\alpha_k\}_{k=1}^N`.
# Compute the coefficients of the reduced space
coeff = np.zeros((maxBasis,))
for ii in range(maxBasis):
coeff[ii] = self.norm.L2innerProd(u, self.basis(ii))
return coeff
def compute_basis(self, train_snap: FunctionsList, N: int, verbose = False):
Computes the WeakGreedy (WG) basis functions (orthonormalised using Grahm-Schmidt), as the set of snapshots that minimises the reconstruction error.
train_snap : FunctionsList
List of snapshots onto which the WG algorithm is performed.
N : int
Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to define
Maximum absolute error measured in :math:`L^2`
Maximum relative error measured in :math:`L^2`
Matrix of the reduced coefficients, obtained by the :math:`L^2` projection
# Number of snaphots
self.Ns = len(train_snap)
self.basis = FunctionsList(self.V)
snapNormList = []
maxNorm = 0.
# find first generating function
for mu in range(len(train_snap)):
tmpNorm = self.norm.L2norm(train_snap(mu))
if maxNorm < tmpNorm:
maxNorm = tmpNorm
generatingIdx = mu
self.basis.append(train_snap(generatingIdx) / maxNorm)
# Deprecated?
# tmp = Function(self.V).copy()
# tmp.x.array[:] = train_snap(generatingIdx) / maxNorm
# Create the variables to store the data
alpha_coeff = np.zeros((len(train_snap), N))
maxAbsErr = np.zeros((N,))
maxRelErr = np.zeros_like(maxAbsErr)
# Deprecated?
resid = Function(self.V).copy()
for nn in range(1, N+1):
max_abs_err = 0.
max_rel_err = 0.
for mu in range(len(train_snap)):
# Define the projected coefficient
coeff = self.projection(train_snap(mu), nn)
alpha_coeff[mu, :nn] = coeff
# Compute residual field
resid = train_snap(mu) - self.basis.lin_combine(coeff)
# Deprecated?
# resid.x.array[:] = train_snap(mu) - self.basis.lin_combine(coeff)
abs_err = self.norm.L2norm(resid)
rel_err = abs_err / snapNormList[mu]
if max_abs_err < abs_err:
max_abs_err = abs_err
generatingIdx = mu
if max_rel_err < rel_err:
max_rel_err = rel_err
maxAbsErr[nn-1] = max_abs_err
maxRelErr[nn-1] = max_rel_err
# Print output
if verbose:
print(f' Iteration {nn+0:03} | Abs Err: {max_abs_err:.2e} | Rel Err: {max_rel_err:.2e}', end = "\r")
# Generate the next basis function (with orthonormalisation)
if nn < N + 1:
# Deprecated?
# tmp = Function(self.V).copy()
# tmp.x.array[:] = train_snap(generatingIdx)
# self.GrahmSchmidt(tmp)
# self.basis.append(tmp)
self.basis.append( self.GrahmSchmidt(train_snap(generatingIdx)) )
return maxAbsErr, maxRelErr, alpha_coeff
def test_error(self, test_snap: FunctionsList, maxBasis: int, verbose = False):
The maximum absolute :math:`E_N` and relative :math:`\varepsilon_N` error on the test set is computed, by projecting it onto the reduced space in :math:`L^2`-sense
.. math::
E_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{test}}} \left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}
.. math::
\varepsilon_N = \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi_{\text{test}}} \frac{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \sum_{n=1}^N \alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \psi_n(\mathbf{x})\right\|_{L^2}}{\left\| u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{L^2}}
test_snap : FunctionsList
List of snapshots onto which the test error of the POD basis is performed.
maxBasis : int
Integer input indicating the maximum number of modes to use.
verbose : boolean, optional (Default = False)
If `True`, print of the progress is enabled.
meanAbsErr : np.ndarray
Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.
maxRelErr : np.ndarray
Maximum absolute errors as a function of the dimension of the reduced space.
coeff_matrix : np.ndarray
Matrix of the modal coefficients, obtained by projection in :math:`L^2`.
Ns_test = len(test_snap)
absErr = np.zeros((Ns_test, maxBasis))
relErr = np.zeros_like(absErr)
coeff_matrix = np.zeros_like(absErr)
if verbose:
progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "Computing WeakGreedy test error (projection) - " + self.name, final = Ns_test)
resid = Function(self.V).copy()
for mu in range(Ns_test):
coeff = self.projection(test_snap(mu), maxBasis)
for M in range(maxBasis):
# building residual field
resid.x.array[:] = test_snap(mu) - self.basis.lin_combine(coeff[:M+1])
absErr[mu,M] = self.norm.L2norm(resid)
relErr[mu,M] = absErr[mu,M] / self.norm.L2norm(test_snap(mu))
coeff_matrix[mu, :] = coeff[:]
if verbose:
progressBar.update(1, percentage = False)
meanAbsErr = absErr.mean(axis = 0)
meanRelErr = relErr.mean(axis = 0)
return meanAbsErr, meanRelErr, coeff_matrix