Source code for pyforce.offline.geim

# Offline Phase: Generalised Empirical Interpolation Method
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 05 March 2024
# Latest Doc  Update: 05 March 2024

import numpy as np
import scipy

from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace)

from import norms, LoopProgress
from import FunctionsList
from .sensors import GaussianSensors
# GEIM: offline
[docs] class GEIM(): """ This class is used to perform the offline phase of the Generalised Empirical Interpolation Method (GEIM) to a scalar field. Given a list of training snapshots, this class generates the magic functions and sensors through a greedy algorithm. Parameters ---------- domain : dolfinx.mesh Mesh of the problem onto which the sensors are generated. V : FunctionSpace Functional space of the snapshots. name : str Name of the snapshots (e.g., temperature T) s : float Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel for the sensors """ def __init__(self, domain, V: FunctionSpace, name: str, s=1e-2) -> None: self.V = V self.norm = norms(self.V) = name # Generate a sensor library class - assuming gaussian kernel and scalar fields self.sens_class = GaussianSensors(domain, self.V, s)
[docs] def offline(self, train_snap: FunctionsList, Mmax: int, xm = None, sampleEvery = 5, verbose = False): r""" The greedy algorithm chooses the magic functions and magic sensors by minimising the reconstruction error. Parameters ---------- train_snap : FunctionsList List of snapshots serving as training set. Mmax : int Integer input indicating the maximum number of functions and sensors to define xm : list, optional (default = None) User-defined available positions for the sensors, if `None` the positions are taken from the mesh elements. sampleEvery : int, optional (default = 5) If `xm` is not `None`, sampling rate for the selection of points from the mesh verbose : boolean, optional (Default = False) If `True`, print of the progress is enabled. Returns ---------- maxAbsErr : np.ndarray Maximum absolute error measured in :math:`L^2` maxRelErr : np.ndarray Maximum relative error measured in :math:`L^2` beta_coeff : np.ndarray Matrix of the reduced coefficients :math:`\{ \beta_m \}_{m=1}^M`, obtained by greedy procedure """ self.Ns = len(train_snap) # Generate sensor library sensList = self.sens_class.create(xm = xm, sampleEvery=sampleEvery, verbose=verbose) maxNorm = 0. snapNormList = [] ## find first generating function for mu in range(len(train_snap)): tmpNorm = self.norm.L2norm(train_snap(mu)) snapNormList.append(tmpNorm) if maxNorm < tmpNorm: maxNorm = tmpNorm generatingIdx = mu ## find first magic sensor measure = self.sens_class.action(train_snap(generatingIdx), sensList) sensIDX = np.argmax( abs(measure) ) maxMeasure = measure[sensIDX] self.magic_sens = FunctionsList(self.V) self.magic_sens.append(sensList(sensIDX)) self.msens_xm_list = list() self.msens_xm_list.append(self.sens_class.xm_list[sensIDX]) ## find first magic function self.magic_fun = FunctionsList(self.V) self.magic_fun.append(train_snap(generatingIdx) / maxMeasure) # Deprecated? # tmp = Function(self.V).copy() # tmp.x.array[:] = train_snap(generatingIdx) / maxMeasure # self.magic_fun.append(tmp) ##### GEIM Offline: main loop beta_coeff = np.zeros((len(train_snap), Mmax)) rhs_values = np.zeros((len(train_snap), Mmax)) maxAbsErr = np.zeros((Mmax,)) maxRelErr = np.zeros_like(maxAbsErr) iter = 0 # Deprecated? # resid = Function(self.V) # tmp2 = Function(self.V) B = np.zeros((Mmax, Mmax)) while iter < Mmax: max_abs_err = 0. # Generate matrix B for ii in range(iter+1): B[iter, ii] = self.sens_class.action_single(self.magic_fun(ii), self.magic_sens(iter)) # Look for the worst approximated function for mu in range(len(train_snap)): # Define the rhs - the measurement vector rhs_values[mu, iter] = self.sens_class.action_single(train_snap(mu), self.magic_sens(iter)) # solve the linear system to find the coefficients beta_coeff[mu, :iter+1] = scipy.linalg.solve(B[:iter+1, :iter+1], rhs_values[mu, :iter+1], lower = True) # Compute residual field resid = train_snap(mu) - self.magic_fun.lin_combine(beta_coeff[mu, :iter+1]) # Deprecated ? # resid.x.array[:] = train_snap(mu) - self.magic_fun.lin_combine(beta_coeff[mu, :iter+1]) # Compute absolute error abs_err = self.norm.L2norm(resid) if max_abs_err < abs_err: max_abs_err = abs_err generatingIdx = mu maxAbsErr[iter] = max_abs_err maxRelErr[iter] = max_abs_err / snapNormList[generatingIdx] # Generate the magic sensor and function if iter < Mmax - 1: # Look for the maximising sensor resid = train_snap(generatingIdx) - self.magic_fun.lin_combine(beta_coeff[generatingIdx, :iter+1]) measure = self.sens_class.action(resid, sensList) sensIDX = np.argmax(abs(measure)) maxMeasure = measure[sensIDX] self.magic_sens.append(sensList(sensIDX)) self.msens_xm_list.append(self.sens_class.xm_list[sensIDX]) # Generate the magic function tmp2 = ( train_snap(generatingIdx) - self.magic_fun.lin_combine(beta_coeff[generatingIdx, :iter+1]) ) / maxMeasure self.magic_fun.append(tmp2) # Deprecated? # tmp2.x.array[:] = train_snap(generatingIdx) # interpolant = self.magic_fun.lin_combine(beta_coeff[generatingIdx, :iter+1], use_numpy = False) # tmp2.vector.axpy(-1., interpolant.vector) # tmp2.x.array[:] /= maxMeasure # self.magic_fun.append(tmp2.copy()) ## Update and print output iter += 1 if verbose: print(f' Iteration {iter+0:03} | Abs Err: {maxAbsErr[iter-1]:.2e} | Rel Err: {maxRelErr[iter-1]:.2e}', end="\r") # Storing B self.B = B return maxAbsErr, maxRelErr, beta_coeff
[docs] def reconstruct(self, snap: Function, Mmax: int): r""" Computes the reduced coefficients :math:`\{\beta_m\}_{m=1}^{M_{max}}` with 'Mmax' magic functions/sensors (synthetic) and returns the vector measurement from the snapshots :math:`u` .. math:: y_m = v_m(u) \qquad m = 1, \dots, M_{max} Parameters ---------- snap : Function Function from which the measuremets are computed. Mmax: int Maximum number of sensors to use Returns ---------- beta_coeff : np.ndarray Array of coefficients for the interpolant :math:`\{\beta_m\}_{m=1}^{M_{max}}` Measure : np.ndarray Array with the evaluation of the `snap` :math:`u` at the sensors locations """ # Computing the measurement vector measure = self.sens_class.action(snap, self.magic_sens) # Solve the linear system beta_coeff = scipy.linalg.solve(self.B[:Mmax, :Mmax], measure[:Mmax], lower = True) return beta_coeff, measure
[docs] def test_error(self, test_snap: FunctionsList, Mmax: int = None, verbose = False): r""" The absolute and relative error on the test set is computed, by solving the GEIM system .. math:: \mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\beta} = \mathbf{y} Parameters ---------- test_snap : FunctionsList List of functions belonging to the test set to reconstruct with GEIM Mmax : int, optional (default = None) Maximum number of magic functions to use (if None is set to the number of magic functions/sensors) verbose : boolean, optional (default = False) If true, output is printed. Returns ---------- meanAbsErr : np.ndarray Average absolute error measured in :math:`L^2` meanRelErr : np.ndarray Average relative error measured in :math:`L^2` coeff_matrix Matrix of the reduced coefficients, obtained by the solving the GEIM linear system """ # Check on the input M, maximum number of sensors to use if Mmax is None: Mmax = len(self.magic_fun) elif Mmax > len(self.magic_fun): print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(len(self.magic_fun))+' --> set equal to '+str(len(self.magic_fun))) Mmax = len(self.magic_fun) Ns_test = len(test_snap) absErr = np.zeros((Ns_test, Mmax)) relErr = np.zeros_like(absErr) coeff_matrix = np.zeros_like(absErr) if verbose: progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "Computing GEIM test error (synthetic) - " +, final = Ns_test) resid = Function(self.V).copy() for mu in range(Ns_test): snap_norm = self.norm.L2norm(test_snap(mu)) for M in range(Mmax): coeff, _ = self.reconstruct(test_snap(mu), M+1) resid.x.array[:] = test_snap(mu) - self.magic_fun.lin_combine(coeff) absErr[mu,M] = self.norm.L2norm(resid) relErr[mu,M] = absErr[mu,M] / snap_norm coeff_matrix[mu, :] = coeff[:] if verbose: progressBar.update(1, percentage = False) return absErr.mean(axis = 0), relErr.mean(axis = 0), coeff_matrix
[docs] def assemble_penalisation_matrix(self, train_snap: FunctionsList, Mmax: int, verbose: bool = False): r"""Construct penalisation matrix for the TR-GEIM """
[docs] def computeLebesgue(magic_fun: FunctionsList, magic_sens: FunctionsList): r""" The Lebesgue constant :math:`\Lambda_M` is computed from the magic functions and sensors, to measure the good properties of the interpolation procedure. This function follows the implementation reported in ``. Parameters ---------- magic_fun : FunctionsList List of the magic functions magic_sens : FunctionsList List of the magic sensors Returns ---------- Lebesgue : np.ndarray Array containing the Lebesgue constant at different number of sensors """ assert (len(magic_fun) == len(magic_sens)) M = len(magic_fun) # Define variables and class for norm computing orth_magic_fun = FunctionsList(magic_fun.fun_space) orth_magic_sens = FunctionsList(magic_fun.fun_space) norm = norms(magic_fun.fun_space) # Generate a set of orthonormal basis functions using Grahm-Schmidt procedure for ii in range(M): orth_fun = Function(magic_fun.fun_space) orth_sens = Function(magic_fun.fun_space) orth_fun.x.array[:] = magic_fun(ii) orth_sens.x.array[:] = magic_sens(ii) for jj in range(ii+1): if jj < ii: orth_fun.vector.axpy(- norm.L2innerProd(orth_fun, orth_magic_fun(jj)) / norm.L2innerProd(orth_magic_fun(jj), orth_magic_fun(jj)), orth_sens.vector.axpy(- norm.L2innerProd(orth_sens, orth_magic_sens(jj)) / norm.L2innerProd(orth_magic_sens(jj), orth_magic_sens(jj)), orth_fun.x.array[:] /= norm.L2norm(orth_fun) orth_sens.x.array[:] /= norm.L2norm(orth_sens) orth_magic_fun.append(orth_fun) orth_magic_sens.append(orth_sens) # Compute the lebesgue constant Lebesgue = np.zeros((M,)) for mm in range(M): A = np.zeros((mm+1, mm+1)) for ii in range(mm+1): for jj in range(mm+1): A[ii, jj] = norm.L2innerProd(orth_magic_fun(ii), orth_magic_sens(jj)) eigenval = np.linalg.eigvals(A.T @ A) Lebesgue[mm] = 1. / np.sqrt(min(eigenval)) return Lebesgue