# Offline Phase: sensors positioning
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 25 April 2024
# Latest Doc Update: 25 April 2024
import numpy as np
import scipy
from dolfinx import fem
import dolfinx
import warnings
import ufl
from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace, assemble_scalar, form)
from ufl import dx, grad, inner, dot
from petsc4py import PETSc
from pyforce.tools.backends import norms, LoopProgress
from pyforce.tools.functions_list import FunctionsList
# Class to define gaussian sensors with a Riesz representation in L2
class GaussianSensors():
A class to define normalised gaussian sensors in terms of functional to mimic measurements of scalar fields.
The measurement procedure is described through a linear functional with gaussian kernel, i.e.
.. math::
v_k = v(u;\,\mathbf{x}_k,s) = \int_\Omega u(\mathbf{x})\cdot g(\mathbf{x};\,\mathbf{x}_k,s)\,d\Omega
\text{ given } g(\mathbf{x};\,\mathbf{x}_k,s) =
\frac{e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_k}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}}{\displaystyle\int_\Omega e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_k}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}\,d\Omega}
such that :math:`v(1;\,\mathbf{x}_k,s) = 1`.
domain : dolfinx.mesh
Mesh onto which the sensors are defined.
V : FunctionSpace
Functional space onto which the kernel of the sensors are interpolated.
s : float
Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel.
assemble_riesz : boolean, optional (Default: False)
Logic variable indicating whether or not to assemble the variational forms for the Riesz representations.
def __init__(self, domain, V: FunctionSpace, s: float, assemble_riesz: bool = False) -> None:
self.domain = domain
self.V = V
self.s = s # standard deviation of the guassian
self.norm = norms(self.V)
self.g = Function(self.V).copy()
if assemble_riesz:
self.trial = ufl.TrialFunction(self.V)
self.test = ufl.TestFunction(self.V)
self.riesz_lhs = ( dot(grad(self.trial), grad(self.test)) + dot(self.trial, self.test) ) * dx
self.riesz_rhs = dot(self.g, self.test) * dx
self.riesz_bilin = form(self.riesz_lhs)
self.riesz_lin = form(self.riesz_rhs)
self.riesz_A = fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(self.riesz_bilin)
self.riesz_b = fem.petsc.create_vector(self.riesz_lin)
self.solver = PETSc.KSP().create(self.domain.comm)
def define(self, x_m: np.ndarray) -> Function:
Given a position :math:`x_m` defines the kernel function of the sensor as a Gaussian with given point spread `s`
.. math::
g(\mathbf{x};\,\mathbf{x}_m,s) =
\frac{e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}}{\displaystyle\int_\Omega e^{-\frac{\|{\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m}\|_2^2}{2s^2}}\,d\Omega}
This kernel function is the Riesz representation :math:`q_m` in :math:`L^2` of the functional, i.e.
.. math::
(q_m, \varphi)_{L^2} =
\int_\Omega q_m\cdot \varphi \,d\Omega = v_m(\varphi)\qquad \forall \varphi\in L^2
Gaussian = self.g.copy()
# normGaussian = self.g.copy()
Gaussian.interpolate( lambda x: np.exp( - ((x[0]-x_m[0])**2+(x[1]-x_m[1])**2+(x[2]-x_m[2])**2) / 2 / self.s**2) )
# normGaussian.interpolate(lambda x: (np.exp( - ((x[0]-x_m[0])**2+(x[1]-x_m[1])**2+(x[2]-x_m[2])**2) / 2 / self.s**2) )
# / self.norm.integral(Gaussian) )
normGaussian = Gaussian.x.array[:] / self.norm.integral(Gaussian)
return normGaussian
def define_riesz(self, x_m: np.ndarray) -> Function:
Given a position :math:`x_m` defines the kernel function :math:`q_m` of the sensor as the Riesz representation in :math:`H^1` of the functional, i.e.
.. math::
(q_m, \varphi)_{H^1} =
\int_\Omega q_m\cdot \varphi \,d\Omega + \int_\Omega \nabla q_m\cdot \nabla \varphi \,d\Omega
= v_m(\varphi)\qquad \forall \varphi\in H^1
self.g.x.array[:] = self.define(x_m)
with self.riesz_b.localForm() as loc_b:
fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self.riesz_b, self.riesz_lin)
representation = self.g.copy()
self.solver(self.riesz_b, representation.vector)
return representation
def create(self, xm : list = None, sampleEvery: int = 10, is_H1 : bool = False, verbose = False) -> FunctionsList:
This function creates the list of sensors (using Riesz representation either in :math:`L^2` or in :math:`H^1`), either by sampling from the mesh or from a prescribed list of positions.
xm : list, optional (Default: None)
Possible List of positions for the sensors inside the domain.
sampleEvery : int, optional (Default: 10)
Integers indicating sampling rate to be used on the mesh, if `x_m` is `None`.
is_H1 : bool, optional (Default: False)
If `True`, the Riesz representation in :math:`H^1` is used.
verbose : boolean, optional (Default = False)
If `True`, printing is enabled.
sens_list : FunctionsList
List of kernel functions using a Riesz representation in :math:`L^2`
sens_list = FunctionsList(self.V)
if xm is None:
geom_dofs = self.domain.geometry.x
mSample = np.arange(0, len(geom_dofs), sampleEvery) # the cells on the boundary are avoided
self.xm_list = []
if verbose:
progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "Generating sensors (sampled every "+str(sampleEvery)+" cells)", final = len(mSample))
for m in mSample:
x_m = geom_dofs[m]
if verbose:
progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "Generating sensors (coinstrained cells)", final = len(xm))
self.xm_list = xm.copy()
for m in range(len(self.xm_list)):
if is_H1:
if verbose:
progressBar.update(1, percentage=False)
return sens_list
def action_single(self, fun: Function, sensor: Function):
Given an input function `fun` :math:`=f` and a sensors :math:`v_m`, the action of the sensor is applied to the function, as an inner product in :math:`L^2`:
.. math::
y_m = v_m\left(f\right)
fun : Function
Function onto which the action is applied.
sensor : Function
Riesz representation of the sensor
measure : float
Scalar :math:`y_m` with the measure of the function with respect to the sensor :math:`v_m`.
measure = self.norm.L2innerProd(fun, sensor)
return measure
def action(self, fun: Function, sens: FunctionsList):
Given an input function `fun` :math:`=f` and a list of sensors :math:`\{v_m\}_{m=1}^M`, the action of the sensor is applied to the function, as an inner product in :math:`L^2`:
.. math::
y_m = v_m\left(f\right)\qquad m = 1, \dots, M
fun : Function
Function onto which the action is applied.
sens : FunctionsList
List of available sensors
measure : np.ndarray
Vector :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M`, whose dimension is equal to the number of input sensors.
measure = np.zeros((len(sens),))
for sensI in range(len(sens)):
measure[sensI] = self.norm.L2innerProd(fun, sens(sensI))
return measure
# SGREEDY algorithm for sensor selection (both representation in L2 and H1)
class SGREEDY():
A class to perform the SGREEDY algorithm, given a list of basis functions :math:`\{\phi_n\}_{n=1}^N`.
domain : dolfinx.mesh
Mesh for the sensor placement.
basis : FunctionsList
List of basis functions :math:`\{\phi_n\}_{n=1}^N`, previously generated.
V : FunctionSpace
Functional space of the functions.
name : str
Name of the snapshots (e.g., temperature T)
s : float
Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel for the sensors
def __init__(self, domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, basis: FunctionsList, V: FunctionSpace, name: str, s: float) -> None:
self.basis = basis
self.V = V
self.name = name
self.domain = domain
# Generate sensor library
self.sens_class = GaussianSensors(domain, self.V, s, assemble_riesz = True)
def generate(self, N: int, Mmax: int, tol: float = 0.2,
xm : list = None, sampleEvery : int = 10, is_H1 : bool = False, verbose = False):
Selection of sensors position with a Riesz representation :math:`\{g_m\}_{m=1}^M` either in :math:`L^2` or :math:`H^1`.
The positions of the sensors are either freely selected on the mesh or given as input.
N : int
Dimension of the reduced space.
Mmax : int
Maximum number of sensors to select.
tol : float, optional (Default=0.2)
Tolerance to exit the stability loop
xm : list, optional (Default=None)
If not `None`, list of available positions for the sensors.
sampleEvery : int, optional (Default = 10)
Sampling points on the mesh.
is_H1 : bool, optional (Default: False)
If `True`, the Riesz representation in :math:`H^1` is used.
verbose : boolean, optional (Default = False)
If `True`, printing is enabled.
self.norm = norms(self.V, is_H1 = is_H1)
sens_lib = self.sens_class.create(xm = xm, sampleEvery=sampleEvery, is_H1=is_H1, verbose=verbose)
inf_sup_list = []
self.xm_sens = []
self.basis_sens = FunctionsList(self.V)
# Define first point
if is_H1:
measure = np.zeros((len(sens_lib), ))
for jj in range(len(sens_lib)):
measure[jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(np.abs(self.basis(0)), sens_lib(jj), semi = False)
sensIDX = np.argmax(measure)
sensIDX = np.argmax( self.sens_class.action(np.abs(self.basis(0)), sens_lib) )
# Is this necessary?
m = 1
resid = Function(self.V).copy()
while m < Mmax:
n = min(np.array([N, m]))
matr_A = np.zeros((m, m))
matr_K = np.zeros((m, n))
matr_Z = np.zeros((n, n))
for ii in range(m):
for jj in range(m):
if jj>=ii:
if is_H1:
matr_A[ii, jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis_sens(jj), semi = False)
matr_A[ii, jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis_sens(jj))
matr_A[ii, jj] = matr_A[jj, ii]
for kk in range(n):
if is_H1:
matr_K[ii, kk] = self.norm.H1innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis(kk), semi = False)
matr_K[ii, kk] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis(kk))
for ii in range(n):
for jj in range(n):
if jj>=ii:
if is_H1:
matr_Z[ii, jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(self.basis(ii), self.basis(jj), semi = False)
matr_Z[ii, jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis(ii), self.basis(jj))
matr_Z[ii, jj] = matr_Z[jj, ii]
schurComplement = np.matmul(matr_K.T, np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(matr_A), matr_K))
# Solve the eig problem for beta - schurComplement is an Hermitian matrix
beta_squared, eigenVec_beta = scipy.linalg.eigh(schurComplement, matr_Z)
inf_sup_list.append( np.sqrt(min(beta_squared)) )
idx_min_eig = np.argmin(beta_squared)
# print output
if verbose:
print(f'm = {m+0:02}, n = {n+0:02} | beta_n,m = {inf_sup_list[m-1]:.6f}', end = "\r")
# Compute the least stable mode
w_inf = self.basis.lin_combine(eigenVec_beta[:, idx_min_eig])
# Compute projection
coeff = np.zeros((len(self.basis_sens),))
for jj in range(len(self.basis_sens)):
if is_H1:
coeff[jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(w_inf, self.basis_sens(jj), semi = False)
coeff[jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(w_inf, self.basis_sens(jj))
# coeff = self.sens_class.action(w_inf, self.basis_sens)
# Identify the least approximated functional
resid.x.array[:] = self.basis_sens.lin_combine(coeff) - w_inf
if is_H1:
measure = np.zeros((len(sens_lib),))
for jj in range(len(sens_lib)):
measure[jj] = abs(self.norm.H1innerProd(resid, sens_lib(jj), semi = False))
measure = abs(self.sens_class.action(resid, sens_lib))
sensIDX = np.argmax(measure)
m += 1
if inf_sup_list[-1] > tol and m >= N:
if m < Mmax:
if verbose:
print(' ')
print('Starting approximation loop')
print(' ')
self.approx_loop(Mmax, is_H1=is_H1)
m = Mmax
# Last step
n = min(np.array([N, m]))
matr_A = np.zeros((m, m))
matr_K = np.zeros((m, n))
matr_Z = np.zeros((n, n))
for ii in range(m):
for jj in range(m):
if is_H1:
matr_A[ii, jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis_sens(jj), semi = False)
matr_A[ii, jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis_sens(jj))
for kk in range(n):
if is_H1:
matr_K[ii, kk] = self.norm.H1innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis(kk), semi = False)
matr_K[ii, kk] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis_sens(ii), self.basis(kk))
for ii in range(n):
for jj in range(n):
if is_H1:
matr_Z[ii, jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(self.basis(ii), self.basis(jj), semi = False)
matr_Z[ii, jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.basis(ii), self.basis(jj))
schurComplement = np.matmul(matr_K.T, np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(matr_A), matr_K))
# Solve the eig problem for beta
beta_squared, eigenVec_beta = scipy.linalg.eigh(schurComplement, matr_Z)
inf_sup_list.append( np.sqrt(min(beta_squared)) )
if verbose:
print(f'm = {m+0:02}, n = {n+0:02} | beta_n,m = {inf_sup_list[-1]:.6f}')
def approx_loop(self, Mmax: int, is_H1 : bool = True):
Approximation loop for the selection of sensors position with a Riesz representation :math:`\{g_m\}_{m=1}^M` either in :math:`L^2` or :math:`H^1`.
At each step `m`, the next position is selected by the following
.. math::
\mathbf{x}_{m+1} = \text{arg }\max\limits_{\mathbf{x}\in \Omega^\star}\left(\min\limits_{i=1, \dots, m} \| \mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_i\|_2\right)
given $\Omega^\star\subset\Omega$ a subset of the whole domain, in which sensors are allowed to be placed. Once the position is known, the functional and its Riesz representation are straightforwardly defined.
Mmax : int
Maximum number of sensors allows.
is_H1 : bool, optional (Default: False)
If `True`, the Riesz representation in :math:`H^1` is used.
m = len(self.xm_sens)
xdofs = np.array(self.sens_class.xm_list).reshape(-1,3)
xm_sens_np = np.array(self.xm_sens)
while m <= Mmax:
min_xdofs = np.zeros((len(xdofs),))
for ii in range(len(xdofs)):
x = xdofs[ii]
min_xdofs[ii] = np.min(np.linalg.norm(xm_sens_np - x, axis=1))
idx_max = np.argmax(min_xdofs)
xm_sens_np = np.vstack([xm_sens_np, xdofs[idx_max]])
# append to the xm sensor list
# Generate sensor
if is_H1:
m += 1