Offline Phase: PBDW offline - computing the inf-sup constant

This notebook implements the offline phase of the following algorithm:

  • Parameterised-Background Data-Weak (PBDW) formulation

In particular, the inf-sup constant \(\beta_{N,M}\) is computed for the different point spread of the sensors and their Riesz representation, either in \(L^2\) or in \(H^1\).

import numpy as np
import os
from IPython.display import clear_output
import pickle

import gmsh
from mpi4py import MPI
from import model_to_mesh
from dolfinx.fem import FunctionSpace

from import ImportH5, StoreFunctionsList as store
from import FunctionsList
from pyforce.offline.pbdw import PBDW

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib import cm

path_off ='./Offline_results/'

The geometry is imported from “ANL11A2_octave.geo”, generated with GMSH. Then, the mesh is created with the gmsh module.

gdim = 2

model_rank = 0
mesh_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

# Initialize the gmsh module

# Load the .geo file

# Set algorithm (adaptive = 1, Frontal-Delaunay = 6)
gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.Algorithm", 6)


# Domain
domain, ct, ft = model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm = mesh_comm, rank = model_rank, gdim = gdim )

fuel1_marker    = 1
fuel2_marker    = 2
fuel_rod_marker = 3
refl_marker     = 4

void_marker     = 10
sym_marker      = 20

tdim = domain.topology.dim
fdim = tdim - 1
domain.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)


Importing basis function and sensors

The functional space and the names of the fields are loaded.

# Defining the functional space
V = FunctionSpace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1))

# Define the variables to load
var_names = [

tex_var_names = [

Let us import the POD modes

bf = dict()

for field_i in range(len(var_names)):

    bf[var_names[field_i]] = ImportH5(V, path_off+'/BasisFunctions/basisPOD_'+var_names[field_i], 'POD_'+var_names[field_i])[0]

Let us import the basis sensors for different point spreads.

s = [0.1, 1., 2.5]

is_H1 = [False, True]
fun_space_label = ['L2', 'H1']

bs = dict()

for field in var_names:
    bs[field] = dict()
    for s_jj in s:
        bs[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)] = dict()
        for space in fun_space_label:
             bs[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)][space] = ImportH5(V,
                                                                    path_off+'/BasisSensors/sensorsSGREEDYPOD_' + field+'_s_{:.2e}_'.format(s_jj)+space,
                                                                    'SGREEDYPOD_' +field+'_s_{:.2e}'.format(s_jj))[0]

Compute the inf-sup constant

Given the background space \(Z_N = \text{span}\{\zeta_1, \zeta_2, \dots, \zeta_N\}\) and the update space \(\mathcal{U}_M=\text{span}\{g_1, g_2, \dots, g_M\}\), the following matrices can be defined \begin{equation*} A_{mm'} = \left(g_m, g_{m'}\right)_{\mathcal{U}}\qquad K_{mn} = \left(g_m, \zeta_{n}\right)_{\mathcal{U}} = v_m(\zeta_n)\qquad B_{nn'} = \left(\zeta_n, \zeta_{n'}\right)_{\mathcal{U}} \end{equation*} The inf-sup constant \(\beta_{N,M}\) is the square-root of the minimum eigenvalue of the following problem \begin{equation*} K^TA^{-1}K \mathbf{w}_j = \lambda_j B\mathbf{w}_j \end{equation*} that is \(\beta_{N,M} = \sqrt{\min\limits_{j=1,\dots, N} \lambda_j}\).

Let us fix the dimension of the reduced space to \(N=10\).

Nmax = 10
Mmax = 30

inf_sup_constants = dict()

for field in var_names:
    inf_sup_constants[field] = dict()
    for s_jj in s:
        inf_sup_constants[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)] = dict()
        for kk, space in enumerate(fun_space_label):

            print('Compute Inf-Sup for '+field+' with s={:.2f}'.format(s_jj)+' and Riesz representation in '+space)

            pbdw = PBDW(bf[field], bs[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)][space], is_H1[kk])
            inf_sup_constants[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)][space] = pbdw.compute_infsup(Nmax, Mmax)

            del pbdw
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_1 with s=0.10 and Riesz representation in L2
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_1 with s=0.10 and Riesz representation in H1
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_1 with s=1.00 and Riesz representation in L2
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_1 with s=1.00 and Riesz representation in H1
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_1 with s=2.50 and Riesz representation in L2
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_1 with s=2.50 and Riesz representation in H1
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_2 with s=0.10 and Riesz representation in L2
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_2 with s=0.10 and Riesz representation in H1
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_2 with s=1.00 and Riesz representation in L2
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_2 with s=1.00 and Riesz representation in H1
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_2 with s=2.50 and Riesz representation in L2
Compute Inf-Sup for phi_2 with s=2.50 and Riesz representation in H1

Let us plot the constant for the different configurations.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = len(var_names), ncols = len(s), sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize = (6 * len(s), 5 * len(var_names)))

Mplot = np.arange(1, Mmax + 1, 1)
colors_l2 = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0,1,len(s)))
colors_h1 = cm.viridis_r(np.linspace(0,1,len(s)))

for field_i, field in enumerate(var_names):
    for jj, s_jj in enumerate(s):
        axs[field_i, jj].plot(Mplot, inf_sup_constants[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)]['L2'],
                              '--o', c=colors_l2[jj], label=r'$L^2$')
        axs[field_i, jj].plot(Mplot, inf_sup_constants[field]['s = {:.2f}'.format(s_jj)]['H1'],
                              '--^', c=colors_h1[jj], label=r'$H^1$')

        axs[field_i, jj].set_ylim(0, 0.4)
        axs[field_i, jj].set_xlim(1, Mmax)
        axs[field_i, jj].grid()
        axs[field_i, jj].legend(framealpha=1, fontsize=20)

        axs[0,  jj].set_title(r'Point Spread $s={:.2f}$'.format(s_jj), fontsize=20)
        axs[-1, jj].set_xlabel(r'Number of sensors $M$', fontsize=20)

    axs[field_i, 0].set_ylabel(r'Inf-Sup Constant $\beta_{10,M}$', fontsize=20)

fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.025)

The values are quite similar between the different configuration, even though a representation in \(H^1\) is typically better.