Offline Phase: GEIM algorithm

This notebook implements the offline phase of the following algorithms: - Generalised Empirical Interpolation Method (GEIM)

In particular, the magic functions and sensors are generated through a greedy procedure, aimed at reducing the interpolation error.

import numpy as np
import os
from IPython.display import clear_output
import pickle

import gmsh
from mpi4py import MPI
from import model_to_mesh,read_from_msh
from dolfinx.fem import FunctionSpace

from import LoopProgress
from import ImportH5, StoreFunctionsList as store
from import FunctionsList
from pyforce.offline.geim import GEIM

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib import cm

if not os.path.exists(path):

The geometry is imported from “ANL11A2_octave.geo”, generated with GMSH. Then, the mesh is created with the gmsh module.

gdim = 2

model_rank = 0
mesh_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

use_msh = False

# If the snapshots are generated from a different computer than the one used for the offline/online simulation, there may be issues in the number of dofs
if (use_msh):
    domain, ct, ft = read_from_msh("ANL11A2_octave.msh", comm = mesh_comm, rank = model_rank, gdim = gdim)
    # Initialize the gmsh module

    # Load the .geo file

    # Set algorithm (adaptive = 1, Frontal-Delaunay = 6)
    gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.Algorithm", 6)


    # Domain
    domain, ct, ft = model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm = mesh_comm, rank = model_rank, gdim = gdim )

fuel1_marker    = 1
fuel2_marker    = 2
fuel_rod_marker = 3
refl_marker     = 4

void_marker     = 10
sym_marker      = 20

tdim = domain.topology.dim
fdim = tdim - 1
domain.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)


Importing Snapshots

The snapshots are loaded and stored into suitable data structures.

# Defining the functional space
V = FunctionSpace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1))

# Define the variables to load
var_names = [

tex_var_names = [

# Snapshot path
path_FOM = './Snapshots/'

################ Importing Snapshots ########################
train_snaps = list()

for field_i in range(len(var_names)):

    tmp_FOM_list, _ = ImportH5(V, path_FOM+'train_snap_'+var_names[field_i], var_names[field_i])

    for mu in range(len(tmp_FOM_list)):

    del tmp_FOM_list

train_params = list()
for field_i in range(len(var_names)):
    with open(path_FOM+'./train.param', 'rb') as f:

GEIM algorithm

A list for each GEIM will be created: \(0 = \phi_1,\; 1 = \phi_2\).

The greedy procedure is summarised in the following figure


Generation of the magic functions/sensors

The GEIM is used to generated through a greedy process a set of basis functions and basis sensors for the data assimilation process.

Sensors are mathematically modelled as linear continuous functionals \(v_m(\cdot)\), defined as \begin{equation*} v_m(u(\mathbf{x});\,\mathbf{x}_m,\,s)=\int_\Omega u(\mathbf{x})\cdot \mathcal{K}\left(\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m\|_2, s\right)\,d\Omega \end{equation*} given \(\mathbf{x}_m\) the centre of mass of the functional and \(s\) its point spread. The current version adopts Gaussian kernels \begin{equation*} \mathcal{K}\left(\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m\|_2, s\right) = \frac{e^{\frac{-\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m\|_2^2}{2s^2}}}{\displaystyle\int_\Omega e^{\frac{-\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m\|_2^2}{2s^2}}\,d\Omega} \end{equation*} such that \(\|\mathcal{K}\left(\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_m\|_2, s\right)\|_{L^1(\Omega)}=1\), this models the measurement process of scalar fields.

geim_data = dict()
train_GEIMcoeff = dict()
Mmax = 30

# This parameter serves as input to select only some cells in the mesh
sam_every = 2

s = [1e-1, 1., 2.5]

train_abs_err = np.zeros((Mmax, len(var_names), len(s)))
train_rel_err = np.zeros((Mmax, len(var_names), len(s)))

for ii in range(len(var_names)):
    geim_data[var_names[ii]] = list()
    train_GEIMcoeff[var_names[ii]] = list()
    for jj in range(len(s)):
        print('--> '+var_names[ii]+' - s = {:.2e}'.format(s[jj]))
        geim_data[var_names[ii]].append(GEIM(domain, V, var_names[ii], s=s[jj]))
        tmp = geim_data[var_names[ii]][jj].offline(train_snaps[ii], Mmax, sampleEvery = sam_every, verbose = True)

        train_abs_err[:, ii, jj] = tmp[0].flatten()
        train_rel_err[:, ii, jj] = tmp[1].flatten()
        print(' ')
--> phi_1 - s = 1.00e-01
Generating sensors (sampled every 2 cells): 3435.000 / 3435.00 - 0.002 s/it
  Iteration 030 | Abs Err: 5.23e-08 | Rel Err: 1.50e-07
--> phi_1 - s = 1.00e+00
Generating sensors (sampled every 2 cells): 3435.000 / 3435.00 - 0.002 s/it
  Iteration 030 | Abs Err: 3.40e-08 | Rel Err: 9.34e-08
--> phi_1 - s = 2.50e+00
Generating sensors (sampled every 2 cells): 3435.000 / 3435.00 - 0.002 s/it
  Iteration 030 | Abs Err: 3.98e-08 | Rel Err: 1.11e-07
--> phi_2 - s = 1.00e-01
Generating sensors (sampled every 2 cells): 3435.000 / 3435.00 - 0.002 s/it
  Iteration 030 | Abs Err: 2.40e-08 | Rel Err: 2.37e-07
--> phi_2 - s = 1.00e+00
Generating sensors (sampled every 2 cells): 3435.000 / 3435.00 - 0.002 s/it
  Iteration 030 | Abs Err: 4.39e-08 | Rel Err: 4.29e-07
--> phi_2 - s = 2.50e+00
Generating sensors (sampled every 2 cells): 3435.000 / 3435.00 - 0.002 s/it
  Iteration 030 | Abs Err: 4.60e-08 | Rel Err: 4.65e-07

Let us store the magic functions and the magic sensors

if not os.path.exists(path+'/BasisSensors'):

for ii in range(len(var_names)):
    for jj in range(len(s)):
        np.savetxt(path+'/coeffs/GEIM_'+ var_names[ii] + '_s_{:.2e}'.format(s[jj])+'.txt', train_GEIMcoeff[var_names[ii]][jj],  delimiter=',')
        store(domain, geim_data[var_names[ii]][jj].magic_fun,  'GEIM_' +var_names[ii]+'_s_{:.2e}'.format(s[jj]), path+'/BasisFunctions/basisGEIM_' + var_names[ii]+'_s_{:.2e}'.format(s[jj]))
        store(domain, geim_data[var_names[ii]][jj].magic_sens, 'GEIM_' +var_names[ii]+'_s_{:.2e}'.format(s[jj]), path+'/BasisSensors/sensorsGEIM_' + var_names[ii]+'_s_{:.2e}'.format(s[jj]))

Comparison of the training errors

The max absolute and relative reconstruction error is compared for the different algorithms, given the following definitions \begin{equation*} \begin{split} E_N[u] &= \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi^{train}} \left\| u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \mathcal{P}_N[u](\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{L^2(\Omega)}\\ \varepsilon_N[u] &= \max\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\Xi^{train}} \frac{\left\| u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \mathcal{P}_N[u](\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu})\right\|_{L^2(\Omega)}}{\left\| u(\cdot;\,\boldsymbol{\mu}) \right\|_{L^2(\Omega)}} \end{split} \end{equation*} given \(\mathcal{P}_N[u]\) the reconstruction operator with \(N\) basis functions.

TrainingErrFig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = len(var_names), ncols = 2, sharex = True, figsize = (10,8) )

M = np.arange(1,Nmax+1,1)

for ii in range(len(var_names)):

    colors = cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,len(s)))
    for jj in range(len(s)):
        axs[ii, 0].semilogy(M, train_abs_err[:Nmax, ii, jj], c=colors[jj], label = r'$s={:.2f}'.format(s[jj])+'$')
        axs[ii, 1].semilogy(M, train_rel_err[:Nmax, ii, jj], c=colors[jj], label = r'$s={:.2f}'.format(s[jj])+'$')

    axs[ii, 0].set_xticks(np.arange(0,Nmax+1,5))
    axs[ii, 0].set_xlim(1,Nmax)
    axs[ii, 0].set_ylabel(r"$E_N["+tex_var_names[ii]+"]$",fontsize=20)
    axs[ii, 1].set_ylabel(r"$\varepsilon_N["+tex_var_names[ii]+"]$",fontsize=20)

axs[1, 0].set_xlabel(r"Rank $N$",fontsize=20)
axs[1, 1].set_xlabel(r"Rank $N$",fontsize=20)

for ax in axs.flatten():

Line, Label = axs[0,0].get_legend_handles_labels()

TrainingErrFig.legend(Line, Label, fontsize=15, loc=(0.25,0.95), ncols = len(s), framealpha = 1)
TrainingErrFig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0, wspace=0.225, top = 0.93)

Calculation of the Lebesgue Constant

The Lebesgue Constant \(\Lambda_N\) is important for the GEIM algorithm, since it appears in the a-priori error estimation for the reduction technique. The procedure on how this is computed was introduced in Maday et al., (2015).

from pyforce.offline.geim import computeLebesgue

Lebesgue_const = np.zeros((Mmax, len(var_names), len(s)))

bar = LoopProgress('Computing Lebesgue', final = len(var_names) * len(s))

for field_i in range(len(var_names)):
    for jj in range(len(s)):
        Lebesgue_const[:, field_i, jj] = computeLebesgue(geim_data[var_names[field_i]][jj].magic_fun,

        bar.update(1, percentage=False)
Computing Lebesgue: 6.000 / 6.00 - 8.692 s/it

Let us plot it to see the effect of the point spread

LebesgueFig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, sharex = True, sharey = True, figsize = (10,5) )

for field_i in range(len(var_names)):
    colors = cm.jet(np.linspace(0,1,len(s)))
    for jj in range(len(s)):
        axs[field_i].plot(M, Lebesgue_const[:, field_i, jj], '-o', c=colors[jj], label = r'$s={:.2f}'.format(s[jj])+'$')

    axs[field_i].set_xlabel(r"Rank $N$",fontsize=20)


axs[0].set_ylabel(r"Lebesgue Constant $\Lambda_N$",fontsize=20)
for ax in axs.flatten():

Line, Label = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels()

LebesgueFig.legend(Line, Label, fontsize=15, loc=(0.25,0.925), ncols = len(s), framealpha = 1)
LebesgueFig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0, wspace=0, top = 0.93)