fenicsx.neutronics package


fenicsx.neutronics.neutr_diff module

class fenicsx.neutronics.neutr_diff.steady_neutron_diff(domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int, albedo: ndarray | None = None, coupling: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

” This class implements the solution of the steady multigroup neutron diffusion equation through the \(k\)-eigenvalue method.

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh.Mesh) – Mesh imported.

  • ct (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Cell tags of the regions in the domain.

  • ft (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Face tags of the boundaries.

  • physical_param (dict) – Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition.

  • regions_markers (dict) – List of the region markers inside the domain.

  • void_bound_marker (int) – Integer describing the index of the void boundary.

  • albedo (np.ndarray, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it, denoted as \(\gamma\), must be an array of \(G\), as the energy groups, to impose the following BC \(-D_g\nabla \phi_g\cdot \mathbf{n} = \gamma \phi_g\).

  • coupling (str, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: log and sqrt are available.

assembleForm(direct: bool = True)[source]

This function assembles the variational forms and the correspondent linear algebra structures.


direct (bool, optional (Default=True)) – If True, a direct linear solver is used (Gauss Elimination), otherwise an iterative one is adopted (preconditioned GMRES with ILU).

solve(temperature: dolfinx.fem.Function | None = None, power: float = 1, nu: float = 2.41, Ef: float = 3.2e-11, tol: float = 1e-10, maxIter: int = 200, LL: int = 50, verbose: bool = False)[source]

This function implements the \(k\)-eigenvalue method: starting from an initial non-trivial guess of eigenvalue-eigenvector pair \(\left(k_{\text{eff}}^{(0)},\,\boldsymbol{\phi}^{(0)}\right)\), at each iteration \(n\geq 1\) the following linear system is solved

\[\mathbb{A}\boldsymbol{\phi}^{(n)} = \frac{1}{k_{\text{eff}}^{(n-1)}} \mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\phi}^{(n-1)}\]

The convergence check is made on the relative difference for the eigenvalue as

\[\frac{|k_{\text{eff}}^{(n)} - k_{\text{eff}}^{(n-1)}|}{k_{\text{eff}}^{(n)}} < \epsilon\]
  • temperature (dolfinx.fem.Function, optional (Default = None)) – Temperature field as a dolfinx.fem.Function.

  • power (float, optional (Default = 1)) – Power level \(P\) used to normalise the flux as \(P = \displaystyle\int_V E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g \, dV\).

  • nu (float, optional (Default = 2.41)) – Number of neutrons emitted by the fission event.

  • Ef (float, optional (Default = 1.6e-19 * 200e6)) – Energy released by the fission event.

  • tol (float, optional (Default = 1e-10)) – Tolerance of the inverse power method, \(\epsilon\).

  • maxIter (int, optional (Default = 200)) – Maximum iteration for the inverse power method.

  • LL (int, optional (Default = 50)) – Frequency for printing the output.

  • verbose (bool, optional (Default = False)) – If True, the output is printed every LL iterations.


  • normalised_fluxes (list[dolfinx.fem.Function]) – List of dolfinx.fem.Function with the solution of the inverse power method.

  • k_eff_ (float) – Converged eigenvalue.


This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen.

class fenicsx.neutronics.neutr_diff.transient_neutron_diff(domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int, albedo: ndarray | None = None, coupling: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

” This class implements the solution of the transient multigroup neutron diffusion equation coupled with the precursors equations with a semi-implicit first-order advancement scheme.

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh.Mesh) – Mesh imported.

  • ct (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Cell tags of the regions in the domain.

  • ft (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Face tags of the boundaries.

  • physical_param (dict) – Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition.

  • regions_markers (dict) – List of the region markers inside the domain.

  • void_bound_marker (int) – Integer describing the index of the void boundary.

  • albedo (np.ndarray, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it, denoted as \(\gamma\), must be an array of \(G\), as the energy groups, to impose the following BC \(-D_g\nabla \phi_g\cdot \mathbf{n} = \gamma \phi_g\).

  • coupling (str, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: log and sqrt are available.

advance(t: float, sigma_ag_transient_value: list, temperature: dolfinx.fem.Function | None = None, return_prec: bool = False)[source]

This function implements a single step forward in time.

  • t (float) – Time to advance to, say \(t_{n+1}\).

  • sigma_ag_transient_value (list) – List of callable function dependent on time used to impose variation of the reactivity.

  • temperature (dolfinx.fem.Function, optional (Default = None)) – Temperature field as a dolfinx.fem.Function.

  • return_prec (bool, optional (Default = False)) – If True, the precursors are returned in the solution.


  • power (float) – Power at time \(t_{n+1}\), defined as \(P(t) = \displaystyle\int_V E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g \, dV\).

  • solution (list[dolfinx.fem.Function]) – List of dolfinx.fem.Function with the output of this time step.

assembleForm(phi_ss: list[dolfinx.fem.Function], dt: float, nu: float = 2.41, Ef: float = 3.2e-11, direct=True)[source]

This function assembles the variational forms and the correspondent linear algebra structures.

  • phi_ss (list[dolfinx.fem.Function) – List of the steady state group fluxes.

  • dt (float) – Time step size.

  • nu (float, optional (Default = 2.41)) – Number of neutrons emitted by the fission event.

  • Ef (float, optional (Default = 1.6e-19 * 200e6)) – Energy released by the fission event.

  • direct (bool, optional (Default=True)) – If True, a direct linear solver is used (Gauss Elimination), otherwise an iterative one is adopted (preconditioned GMRES with ILU).


This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen.

fenicsx.neutronics.thermal module

class fenicsx.neutronics.thermal.steady_thermal_diffusion(domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int, h: float | None = None, TD: float = 300.0, coupling=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class implements the solution of the steady thermal diffusion equation with internal power generation made by neutrons.

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh.Mesh) – Mesh imported.

  • ct (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Cell tags of the regions in the domain.

  • ft (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Face tags of the boundaries.

  • physical_param (dict) – Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition.

  • regions_markers (dict) – List of the region markers inside the domain.

  • void_bound_marker (int) – Integer describing the index of the void boundary onto which BC is imposed (Dirichlet or Robin).

  • h (float, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it, denoted as \(h\), represents the heat transfer coefficients in Newton’s cooling law.

  • TD (float, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it, denoted as \(T_D\), represents either the bulk temperature in Newton’s cooling law or the Dirichlet condition to impose.

  • coupling (str, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: log and sqrt are available.


This function assembles the variational forms and the correspondent linear algebra structures.


direct (bool, optional (Default=True)) – If True, a direct linear solver is used (Gauss Elimination), otherwise an iterative one is adopted (preconditioned GMRES with ILU).

solve(phi: list[dolfinx.fem.Function], k_eff: float, temperature: dolfinx.fem.Function | None = None)[source]

This function solves the steady equation.

  • phi (list[dolfinx.fem.Function]) – List of dolfinx.fem.Function for the internal power generation, \(q''' = E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g\).

  • k_eff (float) – Effective multiplication factor.

  • temperature (dolfinx.fem.Function, optional (Default = None)) – Temperature field as a dolfinx.fem.Function used to calculate the cross sections.


solution – Output of the linear system.

Return type:



This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen.

class fenicsx.neutronics.thermal.transient_thermal_diffusion(domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int, h: float | None = None, TD: float = 300.0, coupling=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class implements the solution of the transient thermal diffusion equation with internal power generation made by neutrons.

  • domain (dolfinx.mesh.Mesh) – Mesh imported.

  • ct (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Cell tags of the regions in the domain.

  • ft (dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32) – Face tags of the boundaries.

  • physical_param (dict) – Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition.

  • regions_markers (dict) – List of the region markers inside the domain.

  • void_bound_marker (int) – Integer describing the index of the void boundary onto which BC is imposed (Dirichlet or Robin).

  • h (float, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it, denoted as \(h\), represents the heat transfer coefficients in Newton’s cooling law.

  • TD (float, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it, denoted as \(T_D\), represents either the bulk temperature in Newton’s cooling law or the Dirichlet condition to impose.

  • coupling (str, optional (Default = None)) – If not None, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: log and sqrt are available.

advance(phi: list)[source]

This function advances in time with a single step.


phi (list[dolfinx.fem.Function]) – List of dolfinx.fem.Function for the internal power generation, \(q''' = E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g``\)


solution – Solution at the new time step..

Return type:


assembleForm(T_ss: dolfinx.fem.Function, dt: float, direct=True)[source]

This function assembles the variational forms and the correspondent linear algebra structures.

  • T_ss (dolfinx.fem.Function) – Steady solution, i.e. the initial condition.

  • dt (float) – Time step size.

  • direct (bool, optional (Default=True)) – If True, a direct linear solver is used (Gauss Elimination), otherwise an iterative one is adopted (preconditioned GMRES with ILU).


This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen.

Module contents


OFELIA: FEniCSx models for MultiPhysics.