import dolfinx
import numpy as np
import ufl
from tqdm import tqdm
from dolfinx import fem
from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace, assemble_scalar, form,
locate_dofs_topological, dirichletbc, locate_dofs_geometrical)
from ufl import grad, inner, div, nabla_grad, dot
from petsc4py import PETSc
class steady_thermal_diffusion():
This class implements the solution of the steady thermal diffusion equation with internal power generation made by neutrons.
domain : dolfinx.mesh.Mesh
Mesh imported.
ct : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32
Cell tags of the regions in the domain.
ft : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32
Face tags of the boundaries.
physical_param : dict
Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition.
regions_markers : dict
List of the region markers inside the domain.
void_bound_marker : int
Integer describing the index of the void boundary onto which BC is imposed (Dirichlet or Robin).
h : float, optional (Default = None)
If not `None`, it, denoted as :math:`h`, represents the heat transfer coefficients in Newton's cooling law.
TD : float, optional (Default = None)
If not `None`, it, denoted as :math:`T_D`, represents either the bulk temperature in Newton's cooling law or the Dirichlet condition to impose.
coupling : str, optional (Default = None)
If not `None`, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: *log* and *sqrt* are available.
def __init__(self, domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32,
physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int,
h : float = None, TD: float = 300., coupling=None):
self.domain = domain
self.ct = ct
self.ft = ft
self.fdim = domain.geometry.dim - 1
self.void_bound_marker = void_bound_marker
metadata = {"quadrature_degree": 4}
self.dx = ufl.Measure('dx', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ct, metadata=metadata)
self.ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ft, metadata=metadata)
# Defining the number of energy groups
self.G = physical_param['Energy Groups']
# Temperature Functional spaces
self.finiteElement = ufl.FiniteElement("Lagrange", domain.ufl_cell(), 1)
self.V = FunctionSpace(self.domain, self.finiteElement)
# Material Properties Functional spaces
self.Qn = FunctionSpace(domain, ("DG", 0))
if coupling is not None:
self.Told = Function(self.Qn)
self.Tref = physical_param['Tref']
self.coupling = coupling
self.phys_param = physical_param
self.regions = regions_markers
# Parameters
self.k = Function(self.Qn) # thermal conductivity
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
self.k.x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['th_cond'][idx]
self.xs_fg = list()
for g in range(self.G):
self.Ef = physical_param['Ef']
self.k_eff = Function(self.Qn)
# Definig trial and test functions
self.T = ufl.TrialFunction(self.V)
self.theta = ufl.TestFunction(self.V)
# Setting up boundary conditions
self.TD = Function(self.V)
self.h = h # HTC - if None, Dirichlet is imposed
if h is None:
self.bcs = [dirichletbc(self.TD, locate_dofs_topological(self.V, self.fdim, self.ft.find(self.void_bound_marker)))]
# Create solution function
self.solution = Function(self.V)
# Creating flux function and power form
self.phi_g = list()
for g in range(self.G):
self.q3 = self.Ef * sum([self.xs_fg[g] * self.phi_g[g] for g in range(self.G)]) / self.k_eff
def update_xs(self):
This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen.
if self.coupling is None: # no thermal feedback
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
for g in range(self.G):
self.xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][idx]
elif self.coupling == 'log': # log law
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
for g in range(self.G):
self.xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.Told.x.array[cells] / self.Tref)
elif self.coupling == 'sqrt': # sqrt law
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
for g in range(self.G):
self.xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.Told.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) )
def solve(self, phi: list[dolfinx.fem.Function], k_eff: float, temperature: dolfinx.fem.Function = None):
This function solves the steady equation.
phi : list[dolfinx.fem.Function]
List of `dolfinx.fem.Function` for the internal power generation, :math:`q''' = E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g`.
k_eff : float
Effective multiplication factor.
temperature : dolfinx.fem.Function, optional (Default = None)
Temperature field as a `dolfinx.fem.Function` used to calculate the cross sections.
solution : dolfinx.fem.Function
Output of the linear system.
# Update k_eff
# Updating fluxes
for g in range(self.G):
if len(self.phi_g[g].x.array[:]) == len(phi[g].x.array[:]):
self.phi_g[g].x.array[:] = phi[g].x.array[:]
self.phi_g[g].interpolate(fem.Expression( phi[g], self.V.element.interpolation_points() ))
# Update XS
if self.coupling is not None:
assert(temperature is not None)
# Updating temperature
if len(self.Told.x.array[:]) == len(temperature.x.array[:]):
self.Told.x.array[:] = temperature.x.array[:]
self.Told.interpolate(fem.Expression( temperature, self.Qn.element.interpolation_points() ))
with self.b.localForm() as loc_b:
fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self.b, self.linear)
if self.h is None:
# Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
fem.petsc.apply_lifting(self.b, [self.bilinear], [self.bcs])
self.b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
fem.petsc.set_bc(self.b, self.bcs)
# Solve linear problem
self.solver.solve(self.b, self.solution.vector)
return self.solution
class transient_thermal_diffusion():
This class implements the solution of the transient thermal diffusion equation with internal power generation made by neutrons.
domain : dolfinx.mesh.Mesh
Mesh imported.
ct : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32
Cell tags of the regions in the domain.
ft : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32
Face tags of the boundaries.
physical_param : dict
Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition.
regions_markers : dict
List of the region markers inside the domain.
void_bound_marker : int
Integer describing the index of the void boundary onto which BC is imposed (Dirichlet or Robin).
h : float, optional (Default = None)
If not `None`, it, denoted as :math:`h`, represents the heat transfer coefficients in Newton's cooling law.
TD : float, optional (Default = None)
If not `None`, it, denoted as :math:`T_D`, represents either the bulk temperature in Newton's cooling law or the Dirichlet condition to impose.
coupling : str, optional (Default = None)
If not `None`, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: *log* and *sqrt* are available.
def __init__(self, domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32,
physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int,
h : float = None, TD: float = 300., coupling=None):
self.domain = domain
self.ft = ft
self.ct = ct
self.fdim = domain.geometry.dim - 1
self.void_bound_marker = void_bound_marker
metadata = {"quadrature_degree": 4}
self.dx = ufl.Measure('dx', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ct, metadata=metadata)
self.ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ft, metadata=metadata)
# Defining the number of energy groups
self.G = physical_param['Energy Groups']
# Temperature Functional spaces
self.finiteElement = ufl.FiniteElement("Lagrange", domain.ufl_cell(), 1)
self.V = FunctionSpace(self.domain, self.finiteElement)
# Material Properties Functional spaces
self.Qn = FunctionSpace(domain, ("DG", 0))
if coupling is not None:
self.Told = Function(self.Qn)
self.Tref = physical_param['Tref']
self.coupling = coupling
self.phys_param = physical_param
self.regions = regions_markers
# Parameters
self.k = Function(self.Qn) # thermal conductivity
self.rho_cp = Function(self.Qn) # thermal conductivity
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
self.k.x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['th_cond'][idx]
self.rho_cp.x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['rho_cp'][idx]
self.xs_fg = list()
for g in range(self.G):
self.Ef = physical_param['Ef']
self.k_eff = Function(self.Qn)
# Definig trial and test functions
self.T = ufl.TrialFunction(self.V)
self.theta = ufl.TestFunction(self.V)
# Setting up boundary conditions
self.TD = Function(self.V)
self.h = h # HTC - if None, Dirichlet is imposed
if h is None:
self.bcs = [dirichletbc(self.TD, locate_dofs_topological(self.V, self.fdim, self.ft.find(self.void_bound_marker)))]
# Create old function
self.T_old = Function(self.Qn)
self.dt = Function(self.V)
self.T_new = Function(self.V)
# Creating flux function and power form
self.phi_g = list()
for g in range(self.G):
self.q3 = self.Ef * sum([self.xs_fg[g] * self.phi_g[g] for g in range(self.G)]) / self.k_eff
def update_xs(self):
This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen.
if self.coupling is None: # no thermal feedback
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
for g in range(self.G):
self.xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][idx]
elif self.coupling == 'log': # log law
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
for g in range(self.G):
self.xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T_old.x.array[cells] / self.Tref)
elif self.coupling == 'sqrt': # sqrt law
for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions):
cells = self.ct.find(regionI)
for g in range(self.G):
self.xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['xs_f'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T_old.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) )
def advance(self, phi: list):
This function advances in time with a single step.
phi : list[dolfinx.fem.Function]
List of `dolfinx.fem.Function` for the internal power generation, :math:`q''' = E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g```
solution : dolfinx.fem.Function
Solution at the new time step..
# Updating fluxes
for g in range(self.G):
if len(self.phi_g[g].x.array[:]) == len(phi[g].x.array[:]):
self.phi_g[g].x.array[:] = phi[g].x.array[:]
self.phi_g[g].interpolate(fem.Expression( phi[g], self.V.element.interpolation_points() ))
# Update XS
# Assemble RHS with lifting for the Dirichlet BC
with self.b.localForm() as loc_b:
fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self.b, self.linear)
if self.h is None:
# Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
fem.petsc.apply_lifting(self.b, [self.bilinear], [self.bcs])
self.b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
fem.petsc.set_bc(self.b, self.bcs)
# Solve linear problem
self.solver.solve(self.b, self.T_new.vector)
# Update old
self.T_old.interpolate( fem.Expression(self.T_new, self.Qn.element.interpolation_points()))
return self.T_new