Installation notes

The solvers has been tested on MacOS and Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 machines with Python3.10.


The OFELIA solvers requires the following dependencies:

import numpy
import h5py

import pyvista
import gmsh
import dolfinx

import openmc

Be sure to install gmsh and gmsh-api before dolfinx=0.6.0 (the package has been tested with real mode of the PETSc library). The instructions to install dolfinx are available at

Set up a conda environment for ISF

At first create a new conda environment

conda create --name <env_name>

If not already done, add conda-forge to the channels

conda config --add channels conda-forge

After having activate it, install

conda install python=3.10

This provides also pip which is necessary to install gmsh as

python -m pip install gmsh gmsh-api

To install FEniCSx (for real numbers)

conda install fenics-dolfinx=0.6.0 petsc mpich pyvista

Add the following packages

conda install meshio tqdm

Downgrade the following (necessary?)

python -m pip install setuptools==62.0.0
conda install numpy=1.23.5

Once this is completed, it may be necessary to re-install gmsh

python -m pip install gmsh gmsh-api

In the end, the OpenMC code can be installed following the steps reported below

conda install mamba
mamba search openmc
mamba install openmc

How to use the solvers?

Once all the dependencies have been installed, the classes in models folder can be imported and used to solve Neutron Diffusion problems.