Source code for fenicsx.neutronics.neutr_diff

import dolfinx
import numpy as np
import ufl
from dolfinx import fem
from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace, assemble_scalar, form, 
                        locate_dofs_topological, dirichletbc)
from ufl import grad, inner, dot
from petsc4py import PETSc

[docs] class steady_neutron_diff(): r"""" This class implements the solution of the steady multigroup neutron diffusion equation through the :math:`k`-eigenvalue method. Parameters ---------- domain : dolfinx.mesh.Mesh Mesh imported. ct : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32 Cell tags of the regions in the domain. ft : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32 Face tags of the boundaries. physical_param : dict Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition. regions_markers : dict List of the region markers inside the domain. void_bound_marker : int Integer describing the index of the void boundary. albedo : np.ndarray, optional (Default = None) If not `None`, it, denoted as :math:`\gamma`, must be an array of :math:`G`, as the energy groups, to impose the following BC :math:`-D_g\nabla \phi_g\cdot \mathbf{n} = \gamma \phi_g`. coupling : str, optional (Default = None) If not `None`, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: *log* and *sqrt* are available. """ def __init__(self, domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int, albedo: np.ndarray = None, coupling: str = None): self.domain = domain self.ft = ft self.ct = ct self.fdim = domain.geometry.dim - 1 self.void_bound_marker = void_bound_marker metadata = {"quadrature_degree": 4} self.dx = ufl.Measure('dx', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ct, metadata=metadata) self.ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ft, metadata=metadata) # Defining the number of energy groups self.G = physical_param['Energy Groups'] # Flux Functional Space self.P1 = ufl.FiniteElement("Lagrange", domain.ufl_cell(), 1) spaces = list() for g in range(self.G): spaces.append(self.P1) self.V = FunctionSpace(self.domain, ufl.MixedElement(spaces)) # Material Properties Functional Space self.Qn = FunctionSpace(domain, ("DG", 0)) if coupling is not None: self.T = Function(self.Qn) self.Tref = physical_param['Tref'] self.T.x.set(self.Tref) self.coupling = coupling self.phys_param = physical_param self.regions = regions_markers # Neutronics Parameters self.Dg = list() self.xs_ag = list() self.nu_xs_fg = list() self.chi_g = list() self.B2z_g = list() self.xs_sg_to_gp = list() for g in range(self.G): self.Dg.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.xs_ag.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.nu_xs_fg.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.chi_g.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.B2z_g.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.xs_sg_to_gp.append(list()) for gp in range(self.G): if gp != g: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g].append(Function(self.Qn)) else: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g].append(None) # Trial and test functions self.phi = ufl.TrialFunctions(self.V) self.varphi = ufl.TestFunctions(self.V) # Boundary conditions - if albedo is None then homogeneous Dirichlet BC is imposed self.albedo = albedo if self.albedo is None: = Function(self.V) self.bcs = list() for g in range(self.G): self.bcs.append( dirichletbc(, locate_dofs_topological((self.V.sub(g), self.V.sub(g).collapse()[0]), self.fdim, self.ft.find(self.void_bound_marker)), self.V.sub(g)) ) # Old function for the inverse power method self.old = Function(self.V) = Function(self.V) self.k = Function(self.Qn)
[docs] def assembleForm(self, direct: bool = True): r""" This function assembles the variational forms and the correspondent linear algebra structures. Parameters ---------- direct : bool, optional (Default=True) If `True`, a direct linear solver is used (Gauss Elimination), otherwise an iterative one is adopted (preconditioned GMRES with ILU). """ # Left Hand Side - Diffusion with Neumann Boundary Conditions - if albedo is not None self.left_side = inner(self.Dg[0] * grad(self.phi[0]), grad(self.varphi[0])) * self.dx for g in range(1, self.G): self.left_side += inner(self.Dg[g] * grad(self.phi[g]), grad(self.varphi[g])) * self.dx if self.albedo is not None: assert len(self.albedo) == self.G for g in range(self.G): self.left_side += inner(self.albedo[g] * self.phi[g], self.varphi[g]) * self.ds(self.void_bound_marker) # Left Hand Side - absorption and leakage for g in range(self.G): self.left_side += inner( (self.xs_ag[g] + self.Dg[g] * self.B2z_g[g]) * self.phi[g], self.varphi[g]) * self.dx # Left Hand Side - Scattering for g in range(self.G): for gp in range(self.G): if gp != g: self.left_side += inner(self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp] * self.phi[g], self.varphi[g]) * self.dx self.left_side -= inner(self.xs_sg_to_gp[gp][g] * self.phi[gp], self.varphi[g]) * self.dx # Right Hand Side - Fission self.right_side = 1. / self.k * self.chi_g[0] * inner(self.nu_xs_fg[0] * self.old.sub(0), self.varphi[0]) * self.dx self.right_side2 = self.chi_g[0] * inner(self.nu_xs_fg[0] * self.old.sub(0), self.varphi[0]) * self.dx for g in range(self.G): for gp in range(1, self.G): self.right_side += 1. / self.k * self.chi_g[g] * inner(self.nu_xs_fg[gp] * self.old.sub(gp), self.varphi[g]) * self.dx self.right_side2 += self.chi_g[g] * inner(self.nu_xs_fg[gp] * self.old.sub(gp), self.varphi[g]) * self.dx self.a = form(self.left_side) self.b = form(self.right_side) self.b2 = form(self.right_side2) self.A = fem.petsc.create_matrix(self.a) self.rhs = fem.petsc.create_vector(self.b) self.B = fem.petsc.create_vector(self.b2) self.solver = PETSc.KSP().create(self.domain.comm) self.solver.setOperators(self.A) if direct: self.solver.setType(PETSc.KSP.Type.PREONLY) self.solver.getPC().setType(PETSc.PC.Type.LU) else: self.solver.setType(PETSc.KSP.Type.GMRES) self.solver.getPC().setType(PETSc.PC.Type.ILU)
[docs] def update_xs(self): """ This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen. """ if self.coupling is None: # no thermal feedback for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) for g in range(self.G): self.Dg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['D'][g][idx] self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][idx] self.nu_xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][idx] self.chi_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['chi'][g][idx] self.B2z_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['B2z'][g][idx] for gp in range(self.G): if g != gp: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][idx] elif self.coupling == 'log': # log law for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) for g in range(self.G): self.Dg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['D'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['D'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.nu_xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.chi_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['chi'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['chi'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.B2z_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['B2z'][g][idx] for gp in range(self.G): if g != gp: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][0][idx] + self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) elif self.coupling == 'sqrt': # sqrt law for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) for g in range(self.G): self.Dg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['D'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['D'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.nu_xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.chi_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['chi'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['chi'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.B2z_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['B2z'][g][idx] for gp in range(self.G): if g != gp: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][0][idx] * (1 + self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) )
[docs] def solve(self, temperature: dolfinx.fem.Function = None, power: float = 1, nu: float = 2.41, Ef: float = 1.6e-19 * 200e6, tol: float = 1e-10, maxIter: int = 200, LL: int = 50, verbose: bool = False): r""" This function implements the :math:`k`-eigenvalue method: starting from an initial non-trivial guess of eigenvalue-eigenvector pair :math:`\left(k_{\text{eff}}^{(0)},\,\boldsymbol{\phi}^{(0)}\right)`, at each iteration :math:`n\geq 1` the following linear system is solved .. math:: \mathbb{A}\boldsymbol{\phi}^{(n)} = \frac{1}{k_{\text{eff}}^{(n-1)}} \mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\phi}^{(n-1)} The convergence check is made on the relative difference for the eigenvalue as .. math:: \frac{|k_{\text{eff}}^{(n)} - k_{\text{eff}}^{(n-1)}|}{k_{\text{eff}}^{(n)}} < \epsilon Parameters ---------- temperature : dolfinx.fem.Function, optional (Default = None) Temperature field as a `dolfinx.fem.Function`. power : float, optional (Default = 1) Power level :math:`P` used to normalise the flux as :math:`P = \displaystyle\int_V E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g \, dV`. nu : float, optional (Default = 2.41) Number of neutrons emitted by the fission event. Ef : float, optional (Default = `1.6e-19 * 200e6`) Energy released by the fission event. tol : float, optional (Default = 1e-10) Tolerance of the inverse power method, :math:`\epsilon`. maxIter : int, optional (Default = 200) Maximum iteration for the inverse power method. LL : int, optional (Default = 50) Frequency for printing the output. verbose : bool, optional (Default = False) If `True`, the output is printed every `LL` iterations. Returns ------- normalised_fluxes : list[dolfinx.fem.Function] List of `dolfinx.fem.Function` with the solution of the inverse power method. k_eff_ : float Converged eigenvalue. """ if self.coupling is not None: assert(temperature is not None) # Updating temperature if len(self.T.x.array[:]) == len(temperature.x.array[:]): self.T.x.array[:] = temperature.x.array[:] else: self.T.interpolate(fem.Expression( temperature, self.Qn.element.interpolation_points() )) # Update XS self.update_xs() # Assembling LHS matrix self.A.zeroEntries() if self.albedo is None: fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(self.A, self.a, self.bcs) else: fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(self.A, self.a) self.A.assemble() # Setting initial guess self.old.x.set(1.) self.k.x.set(1.02) k_eff_list = [] error = 1. ii = 0 while error > tol: # Assembling RHS and applying Dirichlet BC with lifting, if albedo is None with self.rhs.localForm() as loc_b: loc_b.set(0) fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self.rhs, self.b) if self.albedo is None: fem.petsc.apply_lifting(self.rhs, [self.a], [self.bcs]) self.rhs.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE) fem.petsc.set_bc(self.rhs, self.bcs) # Solve linear problem self.solver.solve(self.rhs, # Computing LHS as vector using new solution tmpA = fem.petsc.assemble_vector(form(ufl.replace(self.left_side, {self.phi[g]: for g in range(self.G)}))) if self.albedo is None: fem.petsc.apply_lifting(tmpA, [self.a], [self.bcs]) tmpA.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE) fem.petsc.set_bc(tmpA, self.bcs) Aphi = tmpA[:] # Updating old solution self.old.x.array[:] =[:] # Computing RHS as vector using new solution with self.B.localForm() as loc_b: loc_b.set(0) fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self.B, self.b2) if self.albedo is None: fem.petsc.apply_lifting(self.B, [self.a], [self.bcs]) self.B.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE) fem.petsc.set_bc(self.B, self.bcs) Bphi = self.B.array[:] k_eff_list.append(, Bphi) /, Bphi) ) self.k.x.set(k_eff_list[ii]) if ii > 0: error = abs(k_eff_list[ii] - k_eff_list[ii-1]) / k_eff_list[ii] if ii % LL == 0 and verbose == True: print(f' Iter {ii+0:03} | k_eff: {k_eff_list[ii]:.6f} | Rel Error: {error :.3e}') if error <= tol and verbose == True: print(f' Neutronics converged with {ii+0:03} iter | k_eff: {k_eff_list[ii]:.8f} | rho: {(1-1./k_eff_list[ii])*1e5:.2f} pcm | Rel Error: {error :.3e}') ii += 1 if ii > maxIter: print('Max iteration reached! Exiting loop') error = 0 # Normalising Flux according to reactor power power_form = Ef / nu / k_eff_list[-1] * self.nu_xs_fg[0] * for g in range(1, self.G): power_form += Ef / nu / k_eff_list[-1] * self.nu_xs_fg[g] * normalisation = power / assemble_scalar(form( power_form * self.dx) ) normalised_fluxes = list() for g in range(self.G): normalised_fluxes.append(Function(self.V.sub(g).collapse()[0])) normalised_fluxes[g].interpolate(fem.Expression (normalisation *, self.V.sub(g).collapse()[0].element.interpolation_points()) ) return normalised_fluxes, k_eff_list[-1]
[docs] class transient_neutron_diff(): r"""" This class implements the solution of the transient multigroup neutron diffusion equation coupled with the precursors equations with a semi-implicit first-order advancement scheme. Parameters ---------- domain : dolfinx.mesh.Mesh Mesh imported. ct : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32 Cell tags of the regions in the domain. ft : dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32 Face tags of the boundaries. physical_param : dict Dictionary with the main physical parameters at reference condition. regions_markers : dict List of the region markers inside the domain. void_bound_marker : int Integer describing the index of the void boundary. albedo : np.ndarray, optional (Default = None) If not `None`, it, denoted as :math:`\gamma`, must be an array of :math:`G`, as the energy groups, to impose the following BC :math:`-D_g\nabla \phi_g\cdot \mathbf{n} = \gamma \phi_g`. coupling : str, optional (Default = None) If not `None`, it indicates the type of coupling with the temperature: *log* and *sqrt* are available. """ def __init__(self, domain: dolfinx.mesh.Mesh, ct: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, ft: dolfinx.cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, physical_param: dict, regions_markers: list, void_bound_marker: int, albedo: np.ndarray = None, coupling: str = None): self.domain = domain self.ct = ct self.ft = ft self.fdim = domain.geometry.dim - 1 self.void_bound_marker = void_bound_marker metadata = {"quadrature_degree": 4} self.dx = ufl.Measure('dx', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ct, metadata=metadata) self.ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=self.domain, subdomain_data=self.ft, metadata=metadata) # Defining the number of energy groups self.G = physical_param['Energy Groups'] # Defining the number of precursors groups assert(len(physical_param['beta_l']) == len(physical_param['beta_l'])) self.prec_groups = len(physical_param['beta_l']) self.P1 = ufl.FiniteElement("Lagrange", domain.ufl_cell(), 1) self.P0 = ufl.FiniteElement("DG", self.domain.ufl_cell(), 0) spaces = list() for g in range(self.G): spaces.append(self.P1) for ll in range(self.prec_groups): spaces.append(self.P0) self.V = FunctionSpace(self.domain, ufl.MixedElement(spaces) ) self.Q = FunctionSpace(self.domain, self.P1) # Material Properties Functional Space self.Qn = FunctionSpace(domain, ("DG", 0)) if coupling is not None: self.T = Function(self.Qn) self.Tref = physical_param['Tref'] self.T.x.set(self.Tref) self.coupling = coupling self.phys_param = physical_param self.regions = regions_markers # Neutronics Parameters self.Dg = list() self.xs_ag = list() self.nu_xs_fg = list() self.chi_g = list() self.B2z_g = list() self.xs_sg_to_gp = list() for g in range(self.G): self.Dg.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.xs_ag.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.nu_xs_fg.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.chi_g.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.B2z_g.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.xs_sg_to_gp.append(list()) for gp in range(self.G): if gp != g: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g].append(Function(self.Qn)) else: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g].append(None) # Transient parameters self.recip_v = list() for g in range(self.G): self.recip_v.append(fem.Constant(self.domain, PETSc.ScalarType(1./physical_param['v'][g]))) self.beta_l = list() self.lambda_l = list() for ll in range(self.prec_groups): self.beta_l.append(Function(self.Qn)) self.lambda_l.append(Function(self.Qn)) for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) self.beta_l[ll].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['beta_l'][ll][idx] self.lambda_l[ll].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['lambda_p_l'][ll][idx] self.beta = Function(self.Qn) for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) self.beta.x.array[cells] = np.sum(self.phys_param['beta_l'], axis = 0)[idx] # Trial and test functions self.trial = ufl.TrialFunctions(self.V) self.test = ufl.TestFunctions(self.V) # Boundary conditions - if albedo is None then homogeneous Dirichlet BC is imposed self.albedo = albedo if self.albedo is None: = Function(self.V) self.bcs = list() for g in range(self.G): self.bcs.append( dirichletbc(, locate_dofs_topological((self.V.sub(g), self.V.sub(g).collapse()[0]), self.fdim, self.ft.find(self.void_bound_marker)), self.V.sub(g)) ) self.dt = Function(self.Qn) # Old function self.old = Function(self.V) = Function(self.V) self.k = Function(self.Qn)
[docs] def assembleForm(self, phi_ss: list[dolfinx.fem.Function], dt: float, nu: float = 2.41, Ef: float = 1.6e-19 * 200e6, direct = True): r""" This function assembles the variational forms and the correspondent linear algebra structures. Parameters ---------- phi_ss : list[dolfinx.fem.Function List of the steady state group fluxes. dt : float Time step size. nu : float, optional (Default = 2.41) Number of neutrons emitted by the fission event. Ef : float, optional (Default = `1.6e-19 * 200e6`) Energy released by the fission event. direct : bool, optional (Default=True) If `True`, a direct linear solver is used (Gauss Elimination), otherwise an iterative one is adopted (preconditioned GMRES with ILU). """ self.dt.x.set(dt) # Left Hand Side - Flux - Time derivative self.left_side = inner(self.recip_v[0] / self.dt * self.trial[0], self.test[0]) * self.dx for g in range(1, self.G): self.left_side += inner(self.recip_v[g] / self.dt * self.trial[g], self.test[g]) * self.dx # Left Hand Side - Flux - Diffusion with Neumann Boundary Conditions - if albedo is not None for g in range(self.G): self.left_side += inner(self.Dg[g] * grad(self.trial[g]), grad(self.test[g])) * self.dx if self.albedo is not None: assert len(self.albedo) == self.G for g in range(self.G): self.left_side += inner(self.albedo[g] * self.trial[g], self.test[g]) * self.ds(self.void_bound_marker) # Left Hand Side - Flux - absorption and leakage for g in range(self.G): self.left_side += inner( (self.xs_ag[g] + self.Dg[g] * self.B2z_g[g]) * self.trial[g], self.test[g]) * self.dx # Left Hand Side - Flux - Scattering for g in range(self.G): for gp in range(self.G): if gp != g: self.left_side += inner(self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp] * self.trial[g], self.test[g]) * self.dx self.left_side -= inner(self.xs_sg_to_gp[gp][g] * self.trial[gp], self.test[g]) * self.dx # Left Hand Side - Flux - Fission Prompt and Delayed for g in range(self.G): for gp in range(self.G): self.left_side -= (1-self.beta) * self.chi_g[g] * inner(self.nu_xs_fg[gp] * self.trial[gp], self.test[g]) * self.dx for ll in range(self.prec_groups): self.left_side -= self.chi_g[g] * dot(self.lambda_l[ll] * self.trial[self.G+ll], self.test[g]) * self.dx # Right Hand Side - Flux - Time derivative at previous time step self.right_side = inner(self.recip_v[0] / self.dt * self.old.sub(0), self.test[0]) * self.dx for g in range(1, self.G): self.right_side += inner(self.recip_v[g] / self.dt * self.old.sub(g), self.test[g]) * self.dx # Left Hand Side - Precursors for ll in range(self.prec_groups): self.left_side += inner(1. / self.dt * self.trial[self.G+ll], self.test[self.G+ll]) * self.dx # Time Derivative self.left_side += inner(self.lambda_l[ll] * self.trial[self.G+ll], self.test[self.G+ll]) * self.dx # Decay for gp in range(self.G): self.left_side -= inner(self.beta_l[ll] * self.nu_xs_fg[gp] * self.trial[gp], self.test[self.G+ll]) * self.dx # Fission Product # Right Hand Side - Precursors for ll in range(self.prec_groups): self.right_side += inner(1. / self.dt * self.old.sub(self.G+ll), self.test[self.G+ll]) * self.dx # Time Derivative self.bilinear = fem.form(self.left_side) self.linear = fem.form(self.right_side) self.A = fem.petsc.create_matrix(self.bilinear) self.b = fem.petsc.create_vector(self.linear) self.solver = PETSc.KSP().create(self.domain.comm) self.solver.setOperators(self.A) if direct: self.solver.setType(PETSc.KSP.Type.PREONLY) self.solver.getPC().setType(PETSc.PC.Type.LU) else: self.solver.setType(PETSc.KSP.Type.GMRES) self.solver.getPC().setType(PETSc.PC.Type.ILU) # Initialise flux and precursors for g in range(self.G): self.old.sub(g).interpolate(fem.Expression(phi_ss[g], self.V.sub(g).element.interpolation_points())) self.update_xs() for ll in range(self.prec_groups): power_form = self.nu_xs_fg[0] * self.old[0] for g in range(1, self.G): power_form += self.nu_xs_fg[g] * self.old[g] self.old.sub(self.G+ll).interpolate(fem.Expression( ufl.conditional([ll], 0.), self.beta_l[ll] * power_form / self.lambda_l[ll], 0.), self.V.sub(self.G+ll).collapse()[0].element.interpolation_points())) # Initialise power form self.power_form = form( Ef / nu * power_form * self.dx )
[docs] def update_xs(self): """ This function updates the cross sections according to the coupling scheme chosen. """ if self.coupling is None: # no thermal feedback for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) for g in range(self.G): self.Dg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['D'][g][idx] self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][idx] self.nu_xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][idx] self.chi_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['chi'][g][idx] self.B2z_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['B2z'][g][idx] for gp in range(self.G): if g != gp: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][idx] elif self.coupling == 'log': # log law for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) for g in range(self.G): self.Dg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['D'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['D'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) # self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.nu_xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.chi_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['chi'][g][0][idx] + self.phys_param['chi'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) self.B2z_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['B2z'][g][idx] for gp in range(self.G): if g != gp: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][0][idx] + self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) elif self.coupling == 'sqrt': # sqrt law for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) for g in range(self.G): self.Dg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['D'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['D'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) # self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.nu_xs_fg[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['nu_xs_f'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.chi_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['chi'][g][0][idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['chi'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.B2z_g[g].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['B2z'][g][idx] for gp in range(self.G): if g != gp: self.xs_sg_to_gp[g][gp].x.array[cells] = self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][0][idx] * (1 + self.phys_param['xs_s'][g][gp][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) )
[docs] def advance(self, t: float, sigma_ag_transient_value: list, temperature: dolfinx.fem.Function = None, return_prec: bool = False): r""" This function implements a single step forward in time. Parameters ---------- t : float Time to advance to, say :math:`t_{n+1}`. sigma_ag_transient_value : list List of callable function dependent on time used to impose variation of the reactivity. temperature : dolfinx.fem.Function, optional (Default = None) Temperature field as a `dolfinx.fem.Function`. return_prec : bool, optional (Default = False) If `True`, the precursors are returned in the solution. Returns ------- power : float Power at time :math:`t_{n+1}`, defined as :math:`P(t) = \displaystyle\int_V E_f\cdot \sum_{g=1}^G \Sigma_{f,g}\phi_g \, dV`. solution : list[dolfinx.fem.Function] List of `dolfinx.fem.Function` with the output of this time step. """ if self.coupling is not None: assert(temperature is not None) # Updating temperature if len(self.T.x.array[:]) == len(temperature.x.array[:]): self.T.x.array[:] = temperature.x.array[:] else: self.T.interpolate(fem.Expression( temperature, self.Qn.element.interpolation_points() )) # assembling LHS matrix self.A.zeroEntries() for g in range(self.G): for idx, regionI in enumerate(self.regions): cells = self.ct.find(regionI) if self.coupling is None: # no thermal feedback self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = sigma_ag_transient_value[g](t)[idx] else: if self.coupling == 'log': self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = sigma_ag_transient_value[g](t)[idx] + self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][1][idx] * np.log(self.T.x.array[cells] / self.Tref) elif self.coupling == 'sqrt': self.xs_ag[g].x.array[cells] = sigma_ag_transient_value[g](t)[idx] * ( 1 + self.phys_param['xs_a'][g][1][idx] * ((np.sqrt(self.T.x.array[cells]) - np.sqrt(self.Tref))) ) self.update_xs() if self.albedo is None: fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(self.A, self.bilinear, self.bcs) else: fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(self.A, self.bilinear) self.A.assemble() # Update the rhs and apply lifting with self.b.localForm() as loc_b: loc_b.set(0) fem.petsc.assemble_vector(self.b, self.linear) if self.albedo is None: fem.petsc.apply_lifting(self.b, [self.bilinear], [self.bcs]) self.b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE) fem.petsc.set_bc(self.b, self.bcs) self.solver.solve(self.b, # Update old self.old.x.array[:] =[:] # Compute power power = assemble_scalar(self.power_form) if return_prec: return power, [self.old.sub(ii).collapse() for ii in range(self.G + self.prec_groups)] else: return power, [self.old.sub(gg).collapse() for gg in range(self.G)]