Source code for

# Basic plotting tools using pyvista
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 16 September 2024
# Latest Doc  Update: 16 September 2024

import dolfinx.plot
from dolfinx.fem import Function
import numpy as np
import warnings
from matplotlib import cm
import pyvista as pv

[docs] def grids(fun: dolfinx.fem.Function, varname='u', log_plot: bool = False, mag_plot: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Creates a PyVista grid from a dolfinx.fem.Function and returns the warped or glyph representation. Parameters ---------- fun : `dolfinx.fem.Function` The function representing the field to be visualized. varname : str The name to assign to the data in the PyVista grid (default is 'u'). log_plot : bool If True, apply a logarithmic plot to scalar data (default is False). mag_plot : bool If True, creates a vector warp of the grid. If False, uses glyphs (default is True). **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to the function. Returns ---------- grid : `pyvista.UnstructuredGrid` The resulting PyVista grid, which can be visualized using PyVista plotting functions. """ # Create a VTK mesh from the function's function space topology, cells, geometry = dolfinx.plot.create_vtk_mesh(fun.function_space) grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(topology, cells, geometry) # Handle vector fields (multiple subspaces) if fun.function_space.num_sub_spaces > 0: # Initialize the values array with zeros and assign the real part of the function's array values = np.zeros((geometry.shape[0], 3)) values[:, :len(fun)] = np.real(fun.x.array.reshape(geometry.shape[0], len(fun))) grid[varname] = values # Choose between warping by vector or using glyphs if mag_plot: kwargs.pop('factor', None) # Remove 'factor' if present, do nothing if not kwargs.pop('tolerance', None) # Remove 'tolerance' if present, do nothing if not warped = grid.warp_by_vector(varname, factor=0, **kwargs) # Apply `kwargs` else: warped = grid.glyph(varname, **kwargs) # Apply `kwargs` return warped, values # Handle scalar fields (single subspace) else: if log_plot: values = np.log10(np.real(fun.x.array[:])) else: values = np.real(fun.x.array[:]) grid.point_data[varname] = values grid.set_active_scalars(varname) return grid, values.reshape(-1,1)
[docs] def plot_function( fun: Function, filename: str = None, format: str = 'png', varname: str = 'u', clim = None, colormap = cm.jet, resolution = [1080, 720], zoom = 1., title = None, **kwargs): """ Python function to plot a scalar field. Parameters ---------- fun : Function Field to plot. varname : str, optional (Default = 'u') Name of the variable. filename : str (Default = None) If `None`, the plot is shown; otherwise this is the name of the file to save. clim : optional (Default = None) Colorbar limit, if `None` the mininum and maximum of `fun` are computed. colormap : optional (Default = jet) Colormap for the plot resolution : list, optional (Default = [1080, 720]) Resolution of the image zoom : float (Default = 1) Zoom of the plot. title : str (Default = None) If `None` no title is displayed. **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments passed to the function. """ plotter = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True, border=False, window_size=resolution) lab_fontsize = 20 title_fontsize = 25 zoom = zoom dict_cb = dict(title = varname, width = 0.75, title_font_size=title_fontsize, label_font_size=lab_fontsize, color='k', position_x=0.125, position_y=0.875, shadow=True) u_grid, values = grids(fun, varname, **kwargs) if clim is None: normed_values = np.linalg.norm(values, axis=1) clim = [min(normed_values) * 0.98, max(normed_values)* 1.02] plotter.add_mesh(u_grid, cmap = colormap, clim = clim, show_edges=False, scalar_bar_args=dict_cb) plotter.view_xy() if title is not None: plotter.add_title(title, font_size=25, color ='k') plotter.set_background('white', top='white') ## Save figure if filename is not None: if format == 'pdf': plotter.save_graphic(filename+'.pdf') elif format == 'svg': plotter.save_graphic(filename+'.svg') elif format == 'png': plotter.screenshot(filename+'.png', transparent_background = True, window_size=resolution) else: warnings.warn("Available output format are 'pdf', 'svg' and 'png'. Saved 'png' screenshot.") plotter.screenshot(filename+'.png', transparent_background = True, window_size=resolution) plotter.close() else: return plotter