Source code for

# Fundamental tools
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 30 August 2023
# Latest Doc  Update: 25 June  2023

from importlib import metadata
import numpy as np
import time
import warnings

# import dolfinx
from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace, assemble_scalar, assemble_vector, form, Expression)
from ufl import grad, inner, dx, Measure
from ufl.domain import extract_unique_domain
# Note that dx will be deprecated in the future, is it necessary to import the mesh in addition to V?

# Class to make progress bar
[docs] class LoopProgress(): r""" A class to make progress bar. Parameters ---------- msg : str Message to be displayed final : float, optional (Default = 100) Maximum value for the iterations """ def __init__(self, msg: str, final: float = 100): self.msg = msg = final self.instant = 0. self.init_time = time.time() self.comp_times = list() out = self.msg+': ' print (out, end="\r")
[docs] def update(self, step: float, percentage: bool = False): r""" Update message to display and clears the previous one. Parameters ---------- step : float Interger or float value to add at the counter. percentage : boolean, optional (Default = False) Indicates if the bar should be displayed in %. """ # Compute average computational time self.comp_times.append(time.time() - self.init_time) average_time = sum(self.comp_times) / len(self.comp_times) # Update instant self.instant += step # Write the message if percentage: printed_inst = '{:.3f}'.format(self.instant / * 100)+' / 100.00%' else: printed_inst = '{:.3f}'.format(self.instant)+' / {:.2f}'.format( out = self.msg+': '+printed_inst + ' - {:.3f}'.format(average_time)+' s/it' # Print output if np.isclose(self.instant, print (out) else: print (out, end="\r") # Update inital offset cpu time self.init_time = time.time()
# Class to compute norms in L2, H1 and L^\infty and the inner product in L2
[docs] class norms(): r""" A class to compute norms and inner products. :math:`L^2` and :math:`H^1` (semi and full are implemented for both scalar and vector fields), whereas the average and the integral are available for scalar only. Parameters ---------- V : FunctionSpace Functional Space onto which the Function are defined. is_H1 : boolean, optional (Default = False) If the function belongs to :math:`H^1`, the forms for the inner products and norms are computed. """ def __init__(self, V: FunctionSpace, is_H1 = False, metadata_degree=4): self.V = V self.u1 = Function(V).copy() self.u2 = Function(V).copy() # Deprecation warning in fenics-dolfinx=0.6.0 --> try to correct this? warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) metadata = {"quadrature_degree": metadata_degree} self.dx = Measure("dx", domain=extract_unique_domain(self.u1), metadata=metadata) if V.num_sub_spaces == 0: # if the functional space is related to a scalar function self.integ_form = form(self.u1 * self.dx) self.L2form_inner = form(inner(self.u1, self.u2) * self.dx) if is_H1: self.semiH1form_inner = form(inner(grad(self.u1), grad(self.u2)) * self.dx) self.fullH1form_inner = form( (inner(grad(self.u1), grad(self.u2)) + inner(self.u1, self.u2)) * self.dx)
[docs] def integral(self, u: Function): r""" Computes the integral of a given scalar function `u` over the domain .. math:: \int_\Omega u \,d\Omega Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space V (it must be a scalar!) Returns ------- val : float Integral over the domain """ if not isinstance(u, Function): if isinstance(u, np.ndarray) and ( self.u1.x.array.shape == u.shape ): self.u1.x.array[:] = u else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(u, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u1.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u1.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] val = assemble_scalar(self.integ_form) return val
[docs] def average(self, u: Function): r""" Computes the integral average of a given **scalar** function `u` over the domain .. math:: \langle u \rangle = \frac{1}{|\Omega|}\int_\Omega u \,d\Omega Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space V (it must be a scalar!) Returns ------- ave_value : float Average over the domain """ value = self.integral(u) dom_fun = Function(self.V).copy() dom_fun.x.set(1.0) domain_norm = self.integral(dom_fun) ave_value = value / domain_norm return ave_value
[docs] def L2norm(self, u: Function): r""" Computes the :math:`L^2` norm of the function `u` over the domain .. math:: \| u\|_{L^2} = \sqrt{\int_\Omega u \cdot u\,d\Omega} Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` Returns ------- value : float :math:`L^2` norm of the function """ if not isinstance(u, Function): if isinstance(u, np.ndarray) and ( self.u1.x.array.shape == u.shape ): self.u1.x.array[:] = u self.u2.x.array[:] = u else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(u, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u1.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] self.u2.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u1.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] self.u2.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] value = np.sqrt(assemble_scalar(self.L2form_inner)) return value
[docs] def H1norm(self, u: Function, semi = True): r""" Computes the :math:`H^1` semi or full norm of the function `u` over the domain .. math:: | u |_{H^1} = \sqrt{\int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla u\,d\Omega} .. math:: \| u \|_{H^1} = \sqrt{\int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla u\,d\Omega + \int_\Omega u \cdot u\,d\Omega} Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` semi : boolean, optional (Default = True) Indicates if the semi norm must be computed. Returns ------- value : float :math:`H^1` norm of the function """ if not isinstance(u, Function): if isinstance(u, np.ndarray) and ( self.u1.x.array.shape == u.shape ): self.u1.x.array[:] = u self.u2.x.array[:] = u else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(u, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u1.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] self.u2.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u1.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] self.u2.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] if semi == True: value = np.sqrt(assemble_scalar(self.semiH1form_inner)) else: value = np.sqrt(assemble_scalar(self.fullH1form_inner)) return value
[docs] def Linftynorm(self, u: Function): r""" Computes the :math:`L^\infty` norm of a given function `u` over the domain .. math:: \| u \|_{L^\infty}=\max\limits_\Omega |u| Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` Returns ------- value : float :math:`L^\infty` norm of the function """ if not isinstance(u, Function): if isinstance(u, np.ndarray) and ( self.u1.x.array.shape == u.shape ): return np.max(np.abs(u)) else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(u, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") value = np.max(np.abs(tmp.x.array)) else: value = np.max(np.abs(u.x.array)) return value
[docs] def L2innerProd(self, u: Function, v: Function): r""" Computes the :math:`L^2` inner product of the functions `u` and `v` over the domain .. math:: (u,v)_{L^2}=\int_\Omega u\cdot v \,d\Omega Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` v : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` Returns ------- value : float :math:`L^2` inner product between the functions """ if not isinstance(u, Function): if isinstance(u, np.ndarray) and ( self.u1.x.array.shape == u.shape ): self.u1.x.array[:] = u else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(u, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u1.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u1.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] if not isinstance(v, Function): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and ( self.u2.x.array.shape == v.shape ): self.u2.x.array[:] = v else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(v, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u2.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u2.x.array[:] = v.x.array[:] value = assemble_scalar(self.L2form_inner) return value
[docs] def H1innerProd(self, u: Function, v: Function, semi = True): r""" Computes the :math:`H^1` semi or full inner product of the functions `u` and `v` over the domain .. math:: \langle u, v \,\rangle_{H^1} = \int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v\,d\Omega .. math:: (u,v)_{H^1} = \int_\Omega u\cdot v \,d\Omega + \int_\Omega \nabla u\cdot \nabla v \,d\Omega Parameters ---------- u : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` v : Function Function belonging to the same functional space `V` semi : boolean, optional (Default = True) Indicates if the semi norm must be computed. Returns ------- value : float :math:`H^1` inner product of the functions """ if not isinstance(u, Function): if isinstance(u, np.ndarray) and ( self.u1.x.array.shape == u.shape ): self.u1.x.array[:] = u else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(u, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u1.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u1.x.array[:] = u.x.array[:] if not isinstance(v, Function): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and ( self.u2.x.array.shape == v.shape ): self.u2.x.array[:] = v else: tmp = Function(self.V).copy() tmp.interpolate(Expression(v, self.V.element.interpolation_points())) warnings.warn("Input u is not a function: it may slower the calculations") self.u2.x.array[:] = tmp.x.array[:] else: self.u2.x.array[:] = v.x.array[:] if semi == True: value = assemble_scalar(self.semiH1form_inner) else: value = assemble_scalar(self.fullH1form_inner) return value
# class compute_integral(): # def __init__(self, domain, V): # self.domain = domain # self.V = V # v = TestFunction(V) # cell_area_form = form(v*dx) # self.cell_area = assemble_vector(cell_area_form).array # self.h = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.h(domain, 2, range(len(domain.geometry.x))) # def integral(self,u): # output = sum(u.x.array[:] * self.cell_area) # return output # def L2norm(self,u): # output = np.sqrt(sum(u.x.array[:]**2 * self.cell_area)) # return output