# Synthetic Online Phase: Parameterised-Background Data-Weak formulation
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 16 September 2024
# Latest Doc Update: 16 September 2024
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from collections import namedtuple
from dolfinx.fem import FunctionSpace, Function
from pyforce.tools.backends import norms, LoopProgress
from pyforce.tools.functions_list import FunctionsList
from pyforce.tools.timer import Timer
# PBDW online (synthetic and real measures)
class PBDW():
A class implementing the online phase of the Parameterised-Background Data-Weak (PBDW) formulation, given a list of sensors' Riesz representation :math:`\{g_m\}_{m=1}^M` for the update space and basis functions :math:`\{\zeta_n\}_{n=1}^N` for the reduced one.
In particular, the following matrices are defined :math:`(n,n' = 1,\dots,N)` and :math:`(m,m' = 1,\dots,M)`
.. math::
\mathbb{A}_{mm'}=\left(g_m,\,g_{m'}\right)_{\mathcal{U}} \qquad \qquad
given :math:`\mathcal{U}` as the functional space.
basis_functions : FunctionsList
List of functions spanning the reduced space
basis_sensors : FunctionsList
List of sensors representation spanning the update space
name : str
Name of the snapshots (e.g., temperature T)
is_H1: boolean, optional (Default= False)
Boolean indicating whether to use scalar product in :math:`\mathcal{H}^1` or :math:`L^2`.
def __init__(self, basis_functions: FunctionsList, basis_sensors: FunctionsList, name: str, is_H1: bool = False) -> None:
# store basis function and basis sensors
self.basis_functions = FunctionsList(basis_functions.fun_space)
self.basis_sensors = FunctionsList(basis_sensors.fun_space)
self.basis_functions._list = basis_functions.copy()
self.basis_sensors._list = basis_sensors.copy()
self.V = basis_functions.fun_space
# Defining the norm class to make scalar products and norms
self.is_H1 = is_H1
self.norm = norms(self.V, is_H1=is_H1)
self.name = name
N = len(basis_functions)
M = len(basis_sensors)
# A_{ii,jj} = (basis_sensors[ii], basis_sensors[jj])
self.A = np.zeros((M,M))
for ii in range(M):
for jj in range(M):
if jj>=ii:
if self.is_H1:
self.A[ii,jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(basis_sensors(ii), basis_sensors(jj), semi = False)
self.A[ii, jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(basis_sensors(ii), basis_sensors(jj))
self.A[ii,jj] = self.A[jj, ii]
# K_{ii,jj} = (basis_sensors[ii], basis_functions[jj])
self.K = np.zeros((M, N))
for ii in range(M):
for jj in range(N):
if self.is_H1:
self.K[ii,jj] = self.norm.H1innerProd(basis_sensors(ii), basis_functions(jj), semi = False)
self.K[ii, jj] = self.norm.L2innerProd(basis_sensors(ii), basis_functions(jj))
self.Nmax = N
self.Mmax = M
def synt_test_error(self, test_snap: FunctionsList, N : int = None, M : int = None,
noise_value : float = None, reg_param : float = 0.,
verbose : bool = False) -> namedtuple:
The absolute and relative error on the test set is computed, by solving the PBDW system
.. math::
\xi \cdot M \cdot \mathbb{I} + \mathbb{A} & & \mathbb{K} \\ & & \\
\mathbb{K}^T & & 0
\right] \cdot
\boldsymbol{\alpha} \\ \\ \boldsymbol{\theta}
\right] =
\mathbf{y} \\ \\ \mathbf{0}
given :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M`. Then, the full can state for the snapshot :math:`u` can be written as
.. math::
u(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu}) \simeq z_N(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu})+\eta_M(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu})
= \sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \zeta_n(\mathbf{x})+
\sum_{m=1}^M \theta_m(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot g_m(\mathbf{x})
test_snap : FunctionsList
List of functions belonging to the test set to reconstruct with PBDW
N : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of basis functions :math:`\zeta_n` to use (if None is set to the number of basis functions)
M : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of basis sensors :math:`g_m` to use (if None is set to the number of basis sensors)
noise_value : float, optional (default = None)
Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`
reg_param : float, optional (default = 0.)
Hyperparameter :math:`\xi` weighting the importance of the model with respect to the measurements.
verbose : boolean, optional (default = False)
If true, output is printed.
mean_abs_err : np.ndarray
Average absolute error measured in :math:`L^2`.
mean_rel_err : np.ndarray
Average relative error measured in :math:`L^2`.
computational_time : dict
Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase.
if M is None:
M = self.Mmax
elif M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
if N is None:
N = self.Nmax
elif N > self.Nmax:
print('The maximum number of basis functions must not be higher than '+str(self.Nmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Nmax))
N = self.Nmax
Ns_test = len(test_snap)
abs_err = np.zeros((Ns_test, M - N + 1))
rel_err = np.zeros_like(abs_err)
if verbose:
progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "Computing PBDW test error (synthetic) with N = "+str(N)+" - " + self.name, final = Ns_test )
# Variables to store the computational times
computational_time = dict()
computational_time['Measure'] = np.zeros((Ns_test, M))
computational_time['LinearSystem'] = np.zeros((Ns_test, M - N + 1))
computational_time['Errors'] = np.zeros((Ns_test, M - N + 1))
timing = Timer()
resid = Function(self.V).copy()
for mu in range(Ns_test):
# Compute snapshot norm
norma_snap = self.norm.L2norm(test_snap(mu))
computational_time['Errors'][mu, :] = timing.stop()
# Compute measures
y_clean = np.zeros((M,))
for mm in range(M):
if self.is_H1:
y_clean[mm] = self.norm.H1innerProd(test_snap(mu), self.basis_sensors(mm), semi=False)
y_clean[mm] = self.norm.L2innerProd(test_snap(mu), self.basis_sensors(mm))
computational_time['Measure'][mu, mm] = timing.stop()
if noise_value is not None:
y = y_clean + np.random.normal(scale = noise_value, size = (M,))
y = y_clean
computational_time['Measure'][mu, :] += timing.stop()
for mm in range(N, M+1):
# Assembling and solving the linear system
rhs = np.hstack([y[:mm], np.zeros((N,))]).flatten()
sys_matr1 = np.hstack([reg_param * (mm * np.eye(mm, mm)) + self.A[:mm, :mm], self.K[:mm, :N]])
sys_matr2 = np.hstack([self.K[:mm, :N].T, np.zeros((N, N))])
sys_matr = np.vstack([sys_matr1, sys_matr2])
coeff = la.solve(sys_matr, rhs)
computational_time['LinearSystem'][mu, mm - N] = timing.stop()
# Compute the error
resid.x.array[:] = test_snap(mu) - (self.basis_sensors.lin_combine(coeff[:mm]) + self.basis_functions.lin_combine(coeff[mm:]))
abs_err[mu,mm - N] = self.norm.L2norm(resid)
rel_err[mu,mm - N] = abs_err[mu,mm - N] / norma_snap
computational_time['Errors'][mu, mm - N] += timing.stop()
if verbose:
progressBar.update(1, percentage = False)
Results = namedtuple('Results', ['mean_abs_err', 'mean_rel_err', 'computational_time'])
synt_res = Results(mean_abs_err = abs_err.mean(axis = 0), mean_rel_err = rel_err.mean(axis = 0), computational_time = computational_time)
return synt_res
def reconstruct(self, snap: np.ndarray, N : int, M : int,
noise_value : float = None, reg_param : float = 0.):
The PBDW system is solved
.. math::
\xi \cdot M \cdot \mathbb{I} + \mathbb{A} & & \mathbb{K} \\ & & \\
\mathbb{K}^T & & 0
\right] \cdot
\boldsymbol{\alpha} \\ \\ \boldsymbol{\theta}
\right] =
\mathbf{y} \\ \\ \mathbf{0}
given :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M`. Then, the full can state for the snapshot :math:`u` can be written as
.. math::
u(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu}) \simeq z_N(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu})+\eta_M(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu})
= \sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \zeta_n(\mathbf{x})+
\sum_{m=1}^M \theta_m(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot g_m(\mathbf{x})
snap : Function as np.ndarray
Snap to reconstruct, if a function is provided, the variable is reshaped.
N : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of basis functions :math:`\zeta_n` to use (if None is set to the number of basis functions)
M : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of basis sensors :math:`g_m` to use (if None is set to the number of basis sensors)
noise_value : float, optional (default = None)
Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`
reg_param : float, optional (default = 0.)
Hyperparameter :math:`\xi` weighting the importance of the model with respect to the measurements.
recon : Function
Function containing the reconstruction using :math:`M` sensors
resid : Function
Function containing the residual field (absolute difference between interpolant and true field) using :math:`M` sensors
computational_time : dict
Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase.
assert(M >= N)
if isinstance(snap, Function):
snap = snap.x.array[:]
# Variables to store the computational times
computational_time = dict()
timing = Timer()
# Compute measurement vector
y_clean = np.zeros((M,))
for mm in range(M):
if self.is_H1:
y_clean[mm] = self.norm.H1innerProd(snap, self.basis_sensors(mm), semi=False)
y_clean[mm] = self.norm.L2innerProd(snap, self.basis_sensors(mm))
if noise_value is not None:
y = y_clean + np.random.normal(scale = noise_value, size = (M,))
y = y_clean
computational_time['Measure'] = timing.stop()
# Assembling and solving the linear system
rhs = np.hstack([y[:M], np.zeros((N,))]).flatten()
sys_matr1 = np.hstack([reg_param * (M * np.eye(M, M)) + self.A[:M, :M], self.K[:M, :N]])
sys_matr2 = np.hstack([self.K[:M, :N].T, np.zeros((N, N))])
sys_matr = np.vstack([sys_matr1, sys_matr2])
coeff = la.solve(sys_matr, rhs)
computational_time['LinearSystem'] = timing.stop()
recon = self.basis_sensors.lin_combine(coeff[:M]) + self.basis_functions.lin_combine(coeff[M:])
resid = np.abs(snap - recon)
return recon, resid, computational_time
def hyperparameter_tuning(self, snaps: FunctionsList, noise_value: float,
xi_lim = [-4, 5], n_samples : int = 10, num_rep_exp: int = 10,
N: int = None, M: int = None, verbose : bool = False):
The hyperparameter :math:`\xi` of the PBDW statement is calibrated as the one minimising the absolute error in :math:`L^2`, namely
.. math::
\hat{\xi} = \text{arg}\,\min\limits_{\xi\in\mathbb{R}^+} E_{M, \xi}
given :math:`E_{M, \xi}` the average absolute error in :math:`L^2` with :math:`M` sensors. The optimization problem is solved sampling :math:`\xi` in a specific range :math:`\Xi \subset\mathbb{R}^+`.
snaps : FunctionsList
List of functions belonging to the validation set to reconstruct
noise_value : float
Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`
xi_lim : tuple of floats, optional (Default = [0, 6])
Lower and upper bound (the input is the exponent for :math:`10^x`) of :math:`\xi`, regularisation parameter of PBDW.
num_rep_exp : int, optional (Default = 10)
Number of repeated numerical experiment to ensure statistical robustness
N : int, optional (Default = None)
Number of basis function to use (if None is set to the number of basis functions)
M : int, optional (Default = None)
Number of sensor to use (if None is set to the number of basis sensors)
verbose : boolean, optional (default = False)
If true, output is printed.
xi_opt : float
Optimal value of :math:`\hat{\xi}` per each numerical experiment
xi_samples : np.ndarray
Sample values of :math:`\xi`
ave_abs_err : np.ndarray
Average (also averaged wrt to the num. experiments) absolure reconstruction error associated to each output value of :math:`\xi_{sample}`
if M is None:
M = self.Mmax
elif M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
if N is None:
N = self.Nmax
elif N > self.Nmax:
print('The maximum number of basis functions must not be higher than '+str(self.Nmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Nmax))
N = self.Nmax
# Defining the lambda^* parameters for the optimization problem
xi_samples = np.logspace(xi_lim[0], xi_lim[1], n_samples, base = 10)
# Defining structures to store the absolute errors
Ns = len(snaps)
resid = Function(snaps.fun_space).copy()
if verbose:
progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "PBDW HyperParameter Tuning for sigma = {:.2e}".format(noise_value)+' - '+ self.name, final = num_rep_exp )
clean_measures = np.zeros((Ns, M))
snap_norm = np.zeros((Ns,))
for mu in range(Ns):
# snap_norm[mu] = self.norm.L2norm(snaps(mu))
snap_norm[mu] = self.norm.integral(np.abs(snaps(mu)))
for mm in range(M):
if self.is_H1:
clean_measures[mu, mm] = self.norm.H1innerProd(snaps(mu), self.basis_sensors(mm), semi=False)
clean_measures[mu, mm] = self.norm.L2innerProd(snaps(mu), self.basis_sensors(mm))
# The numerical experiment is repeated to ensure statistical robustness
abs_errs = list()
rel_errs = list()
xi_opts = list()
for exp in range(num_rep_exp):
abs_errs.append(np.zeros((Ns, n_samples)))
rel_errs.append(np.zeros((Ns, n_samples)))
# Solving the optimization problem using brute force
for ii, xi in enumerate(xi_samples):
for mu in range(Ns):
# Adding synthetic noise
y = clean_measures[mu, :] + np.random.normal(0, noise_value, len(clean_measures[mu, :]))
# Creating matrix and vector
rhs = np.hstack([y[:mm], np.zeros((N,))]).flatten()
sys_matr1 = np.hstack([xi * (mm * np.eye(mm, mm)) + self.A[:mm, :mm], self.K[:mm, :N]])
sys_matr2 = np.hstack([self.K[:mm, :N].T, np.zeros((N, N))])
sys_matr = np.vstack([sys_matr1, sys_matr2])
# Solving the linear system
coeff = la.solve(sys_matr, rhs)
# Computing absolute error
resid.x.array[:] = np.abs(snaps(mu) - (self.basis_sensors.lin_combine(coeff[:mm]) + self.basis_functions.lin_combine(coeff[mm:])))
abs_errs[exp][mu, ii] = self.norm.average(resid)
rel_errs[exp][mu, ii] = abs_errs[exp][mu, ii] / snap_norm[mu]
if verbose:
progressBar.update(1, percentage = False)
return xi_opts, xi_samples, abs_errs, rel_errs
def compute_measure(self, snap: Function, noise_value: float, M = None) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the measurement vector from the `snap` input, using the basis sensors stored to which synthetic random noise is added.
If the dimension `M` is not given, the whole set of basis sensors is used.
.. math::
y_m = v_m(u) +\varepsilon_m \qquad \qquad m = 1, \dots, M
If the dimension :math:`M` is not given, the whole set of basis sensors is used.
snap : Function
Function from which measurements are to be extracted
noise_value : float
Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`
M : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of sensor to use (if None is set to the number of basis sensors)
measure : np.ndarray
Measurement vector :math:\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M`
# Check on the input M, maximum number of sensors to use
if M is None:
M = self.Mmax
elif M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
y_clean = np.zeros((M,))
for mm in range(M):
if self.is_H1:
y_clean[mm] = self.norm.H1innerProd(snap, self.basis_sensors(mm), semi=False)
y_clean[mm] = self.norm.L2innerProd(snap, self.basis_sensors(mm))
if noise_value is not None:
measure = y_clean + np.random.normal(scale = noise_value, size = (M,))
measure = y_clean
return measure
def real_reconstruct(self, measure: np.ndarray,
N : int = None, reg_param : float = 0.):
The state estimation given the `measure` vector :math:`\mathbf{y}` input is computed, by solving the PBDW linear system
.. math::
\xi \cdot M \cdot \mathbb{I} + \mathbb{A} & & \mathbb{K} \\ & & \\
\mathbb{K}^T & & 0
\right] \cdot
\boldsymbol{\alpha} \\ \\ \boldsymbol{\theta}
\right] =
\mathbf{y} \\ \\ \mathbf{0}
given :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M`. Then, the full can state for the snapshot :math:`u` can be written as
.. math::
u(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu}) \simeq z_N(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu})+\eta_M(\mathbf{x};\boldsymbol{\mu})
= \sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot \zeta_n(\mathbf{x})+
\sum_{m=1}^M \theta_m(\boldsymbol{\mu})\cdot g_m(\mathbf{x})
measure : np.ndarray
Measurement vector, shaped as :math:`M \times N_s`, given :math:`M` the number of sensors used and :math:`N_s` the number of parametric realisation.
N : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of basis functions :math:`\zeta_n` to use (if None is set to the number of basis functions)
reg_param : float, optional (default = 0.)
Hyperparameter :math:`\xi` weighting the importance of the model with respect to the measurements.
interp : np.ndarray
Interpolant Field :math:`\mathcal{I}_M` of GEIM
computational_time : dict
Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase.
M, Ns = measure.shape
if M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
if N is None:
N = self.Nmax
elif N > self.Nmax:
print('The maximum number of basis functions must not be higher than '+str(self.Nmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Nmax))
N = self.Nmax
assert M >= self.Nmax
# Variables to store the computational times
computational_time = dict()
timing = Timer()
interps = FunctionsList(self.V)
for mu in range(Ns):
y = measure[:, mu]
# Solving the linear system
rhs = np.hstack([y, np.zeros((N,))]).flatten()
sys_matr1 = np.hstack([reg_param * (M * np.eye(M, M)) + self.A[:M, :M], self.K[:M, :N]])
sys_matr2 = np.hstack([self.K[:M, :N].T, np.zeros((N, N))])
sys_matr = np.vstack([sys_matr1, sys_matr2])
coeff = la.solve(sys_matr, rhs)
computational_time['LinearSystem'] = timing.stop()
# Compute the interpolant and residual
interps.append(self.basis_sensors.lin_combine(coeff[:M]) + self.basis_functions.lin_combine(coeff[M:]))
computational_time['Reconstruction'] = timing.stop()
return interps, computational_time