Source code for

# Indirect Reconstruction algorithm tools
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 16 September 2024
# Latest Doc  Update: 16 September 2024

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brute, shgo, differential_evolution, minimize, least_squares, Bounds
from collections import namedtuple

from dolfinx.fem import FunctionSpace, Function
from import norms, LoopProgress
from import FunctionsList
from import Timer

# Define Objective Function
[docs] def objective(mu: np.ndarray, measure: np.ndarray, B: np.ndarray, maps: list): r""" This function evaluates the standard loss function :math:`\mathcal{L}_{PE}` to be minimized during the Parameter Estimation phase .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{PE}(\boldsymbol{\mu}) = \|B\boldsymbol{\beta}(\boldsymbol{\mu}) - \mathbf{y}\|_2^2 \qquad\qquad \text{ given }\mathcal{F}_m(\boldsymbol{\mu}) = \beta_m(\boldsymbol{\mu}) given the maps :math:`\mathcal{F}_m:\boldsymbol{\mu} \rightarrow \beta_m` (:math:`m = 1, \dots, M`). Parameters ---------- mu : np.ndarray Input parameter, array-like. measure : np.ndarray Input measurements of `M` elements, array-like. B : np.ndarray Lower-triangular matrix :math:`\mathbb{B}` of dimension :math:`M\times M`. maps : list List containing the map :math:`\mathcal{F}_m:\boldsymbol{\mu} \rightarrow \beta_m`. """ M = len(measure) beta = np.zeros((M,)) for mm in range(M): beta[mm] = maps[mm](mu) return (np.linalg.norm(, beta) - measure))**2
# Parameter estimation using optimisation tools
[docs] class PE(): r""" A class to perform Parameter Estimation (PE) exploiting GEIM and numerical optimisation starting from a set of measurements :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M` .. math:: \hat{\boldsymbol{\mu}} = \text{arg}\,\min\limits_{\boldsymbol{\mu}\in\mathcal{D}} \mathcal{L}_{PE}(\boldsymbol{\mu}) Parameters ---------- B : np.ndarray Lower-triangular matrix :math:`\mathbb{B}` of dimension :math:`M\times M`, arising from GEIM magic function and sensors. coeff_maps : list List containing the map :math:`\mathcal{F}_m:\boldsymbol{\mu} \rightarrow \beta_m`. bnds : list List of tuples, each element contains the mininum and maximum of the components of the parameter. """ def __init__(self, B: np.ndarray, coeff_maps: list, bnds: list) -> None: self.B = B self.maps = coeff_maps # Asserting the coefficients maps and the matrix are compatible assert(len(coeff_maps) == self.B.shape[0]) self.Mmax = len(coeff_maps) self.p = len(bnds) self.bnds = bnds
[docs] def optimise(self, measure: np.ndarray, use_brute = True, grid_elem = 10): """ This auxiliary function performs the optimisation process given an input collection of measurements. Two options are available: - **brute force method** for finding the first guess of the parameter estimation + Least squares - **differential evolution method** for finding the first guess of the parameter estimation + Least squares Parameters ---------- measure : np.ndarray Measurement vector of `M` elements, array-like. use_brute : bool, optional (Default = True) brute force method for finding the first guess of the parameter estimation grid_elem : int, optional (Default = 10) Number of elements in the grid for the brute force method Returns ---------- solution : np.ndarray Solution of the optimisation (after least squares) guess : np.ndarray Solution of the optimisation (before least squares) """ M = len(measure) assert(M <= self.Mmax) if use_brute: # defining bounds for optimisation opt_bnds = list() for param in range(self.p): delta_mu = (self.bnds[param][1] - self.bnds[param][0]) / grid_elem opt_bnds.append(slice(self.bnds[param][0], self.bnds[param][1], delta_mu)) guess = brute(objective, opt_bnds, args=(measure, self.B[:M, :M], self.maps)) else: guess = differential_evolution(objective, self.bnds, args=(measure, self.B[:M, :M], self.maps)).x lower_bounds = [bound[0] for bound in self.bnds] upper_bounds = [bound[1] for bound in self.bnds] bounds = Bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds) # Is this necessary? sol = least_squares(objective, x0 = guess, bounds=bounds, args=(measure, self.B[:M, :M], self.maps)) if sol.status < 1: print('Optimisation failed: error ' +str(sol.status)) return sol.x, guess
[docs] def synt_test_error(self, test_param: np.ndarray, test_snaps: FunctionsList, GEIM_msen: FunctionsList, Mmax: int, noise_value = None, use_brute = True, grid_elem = 10, verbose = False): r""" The absolute and relative error of the PE phase, using different measurements coming from the test set, are computed. Parameters ---------- test_param : np.ndarray `np.ndarray` with shape $(N_s, p)$ given $N_s$ the number of samples and $p$ the dimension of the parameter vector test_snaps : FunctionsList List of functions belonging to the test set, used to generate the measurements GEIM_msen : FunctionsList List of sensors to mimic the measurement process Mmax : int Maximum number of sensor to use noise_value : float, optional (Default = None) Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`. use_brute : bool, optional (Default = True) brute force method for finding the first guess of the parameter estimation grid_elem : int, optional (Default = 10) Number of elements in the grid for the brute force method verbose : bool, optional (Default = False) If true, printing is produced Returns ---------- mean_abs_err : np.ndarray Average absolute error of the parameter estimation mean_rel_err : np.ndarray Average relative error of the parameter estimation computational_time : dict Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase. mu_PE : list List containing the estimated parameters after least squares at varying number of measurements mu_PE_guess : list List containing the estimated parameters before least squares at varying number of measurements """ Ns = len(test_snaps) normss = norms(test_snaps.fun_space) if verbose: bar = LoopProgress(msg = 'Solving Parameter Estimation ', final = Ns) mu_PE = [] mu_PE_guess = [] # Variables to store the computational times computational_time = dict() computational_time['Measure'] = np.zeros((Ns, Mmax)) computational_time['Optimisation'] = np.zeros((Ns, Mmax)) timing = Timer() for idx_mu in range(Ns): y_clean = np.zeros((Mmax,)) for mm in range(Mmax): timing.start() y_clean[mm] = normss.L2innerProd(test_snaps(idx_mu), GEIM_msen(mm)) computational_time['Measure'][idx_mu, mm] = timing.stop() # Adding random noise (synthetic) timing.start() if noise_value is not None: measure = y_clean + np.random.normal(0, noise_value, len(y_clean)) else: measure = y_clean computational_time['Measure'][idx_mu, :] = timing.stop() mu_estimated = np.zeros((Mmax, self.p)) mu_guess = np.zeros((Mmax, self.p)) for mm in range(Mmax): timing.start() mu_estimated[mm, :], mu_guess[mm, :] = self.optimise(measure[:mm+1], use_brute = use_brute, grid_elem=grid_elem) computational_time['Optimisation'][idx_mu, mm] = timing.stop() mu_PE.append(mu_estimated) mu_PE_guess.append(mu_guess) if verbose: bar.update(1, percentage=False) abs_errPE = [] rel_errPE = [] for idx_mu in range(len(test_snaps)): abs_errPE.append(abs(mu_PE[idx_mu] - test_param[idx_mu])) rel_errPE.append(abs_errPE[idx_mu] / test_param[idx_mu]) mean_abs_err = sum(abs_errPE) / len(test_snaps) mean_rel_err = sum(rel_errPE) / len(test_snaps) Results = namedtuple('Results', ['mean_abs_err', 'mean_rel_err', 'computational_time', 'mu_PE', 'mu_PE_guess']) synt_res = Results(mean_abs_err = mean_abs_err, mean_rel_err = mean_rel_err, computational_time = computational_time, mu_PE = mu_PE, mu_PE_guess = mu_PE_guess) return synt_res