# Online Phase: Generalised Empirical Interpolation Method
# Author: Stefano Riva, PhD Student, NRG, Politecnico di Milano
# Latest Code Update: 16 September 2024
# Latest Doc Update: 16 September 2024
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from collections import namedtuple
from dolfinx.fem import FunctionSpace, Function
from pyforce.tools.backends import norms, LoopProgress
from pyforce.tools.functions_list import FunctionsList
from pyforce.tools.timer import Timer
# GEIM online (synthetic and real measures)
class GEIM():
This class can be used to perform the online phase of the GEIM algorihtm for synthetic and real measures :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M` either obtained as evaluations of the magic sensors on the snapshot :math:`u(\mathbf{x};\,\boldsymbol{\mu})` as
.. math::
y_m = v_m(u)+\varepsilon_m \qquad \qquad m = 1, \dots, M
given :math:`\varepsilon_m` random noise (either present or not), or by real experimental data on the physical system.
magic_fun : FunctionsList
List of magic functions computed during the offline phase.
magic_sen : FunctionsList
List of magic sensors computed during the offline phase.
name : str
Name of the snapshots (e.g., temperature T)
def __init__(self, magic_fun: FunctionsList, magic_sen: FunctionsList, name: str) -> None:
self.mf = magic_fun
self.ms = magic_sen
self.V = magic_fun.fun_space
self.name = name
# Defining the norm class to make scalar products and norms
self.norm = norms(self.V)
# Computing the matrix B
assert (len(self.ms) == len(self.mf)), "Number of magic sensors must be equal to number of magic functions"
self.Mmax = len(self.ms)
self.B = np.zeros((self.Mmax, self.Mmax))
for nn in range(self.Mmax):
for mm in range(self.Mmax):
self.B[nn, mm] = self.norm.L2innerProd(self.ms(nn), self.mf(mm))
def synt_test_error(self, snaps: FunctionsList, M = None, noise_value = None,
verbose = False) -> namedtuple:
The absolute and relative error on the test set is computed, by solving the GEIM linear system
.. math::
\mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\beta} = \mathbf{y}
snaps : FunctionsList
List of functions belonging to the test set to reconstruct
M : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of magic functions to use (if None is set to the number of magic functions/sensors)
noise_value : float, optional (default = None)
Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`
verbose : boolean, optional (default = False)
If true, output is printed.
mean_abs_err : np.ndarray
Average absolute error measured in :math:`L^2`.
mean_rel_err : np.ndarray
Average relative error measured in :math:`L^2`.
computational_time : dict
Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase.
# Check on the input M, maximum number of sensors to use
if M is None:
M = self.Mmax
elif M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
# Computing the test error on a given set of snapshots
Ns = len(snaps)
abs_err = np.zeros((Ns, M))
rel_err = np.zeros_like(abs_err)
if verbose:
progressBar = LoopProgress(msg = "Computing GEIM test error (synthetic) - " + self.name, final = Ns )
# Variables to store the computational times
computational_time = dict()
computational_time['Measure'] = np.zeros((Ns, M))
computational_time['LinearSystem'] = np.zeros((Ns, M))
computational_time['Errors'] = np.zeros((Ns, M))
timing = Timer()
resid = Function(snaps.fun_space).copy()
for mu in range(Ns):
norma_snap = self.norm.L2norm(snaps(mu))
computational_time['Errors'][mu, :] = timing.stop()
for mm in range(M):
# Generating the rhs
if mm == 0:
y_clean = np.array([self.norm.L2innerProd(snaps(mu), self.ms(mm))])
y_clean = np.hstack([y_clean, np.array([self.norm.L2innerProd(snaps(mu), self.ms(mm))])])
# Adding random noise (synthetic)
if noise_value is not None:
y = y_clean + np.random.normal(0, noise_value, len(y_clean))
y = y_clean
computational_time['Measure'][mu, mm] = timing.stop()
# Solving the linear system
coeff = la.solve(self.B[:mm+1, :mm+1], y, lower = True)
computational_time['LinearSystem'][mu, mm] = timing.stop()
# Compute the error
resid.x.array[:] = snaps(mu) - self.mf.lin_combine(coeff)
abs_err[mu, mm] = self.norm.L2norm(resid)
rel_err[mu, mm] = abs_err[mu, mm] / norma_snap
computational_time['Errors'][mu, mm] += timing.stop()
if verbose:
progressBar.update(1, percentage = False)
Results = namedtuple('Results', ['mean_abs_err', 'mean_rel_err', 'computational_time'])
synt_res = Results(mean_abs_err = abs_err.mean(axis = 0), mean_rel_err = rel_err.mean(axis = 0), computational_time = computational_time)
return synt_res
def reconstruct(self, snap: np.ndarray, M, noise_value = None):
The interpolant for `snap` :math:`u` input is computed, by solving the GEIM linear system
.. math::
\mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\beta} = \mathbf{y}
then the inteprolant and residual are computed and returned
.. math::
\mathcal{I}_M[u] = \sum_{m=1}^M \beta_m[u] \cdot q_m\qquad\qquad
r_M = \left| u - \mathcal{I}_M[u]\right|
snap : Function as np.ndarray
Snap to reconstruct, if a function is provided, the variable is reshaped.
M : int
Number of sensor to use
noise_value : float, optional (default = None)
Standard deviation of the noise, modelled as a normal :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)`
interp : np.ndarray
Interpolant Field :math:`\mathcal{I}_M[u]` of GEIM
resid : np.ndarray
Residual Field :math:`r_M[u]`
computational_time : dict
Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase.
if M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
if isinstance(snap, Function):
snap = snap.x.array[:]
# Variables to store the computational times
computational_time = dict()
timing = Timer()
# Compute measurement vector
y_clean = self.compute_measure(snap, M)
# Adding random noise (synthetic)
if noise_value is not None:
y = y_clean + np.random.normal(0, noise_value, len(y_clean))
y = y_clean
computational_time['Measure'] = timing.stop()
# Solving the linear system
coeff = la.solve(self.B[:M, :M], y, lower = True)
computational_time['LinearSystem'] = timing.stop()
# Compute the interpolant and residual
interp = self.mf.lin_combine(coeff)
computational_time['Reconstruction'] = timing.stop()
resid = np.abs(snap - interp)
return interp, resid, computational_time
def compute_measure(self, snap: Function, M = None) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the measurement vector :math:`\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M` from the `snap` :math:`u` input, using the magic sensors stored.
.. math::
y_m = v_m(u) \qquad \qquad m = 1, \dots, M
If the dimension :math:`M` is not given, the whole set of magic sensors is used.
snap : Function
Function from which measurements are to be extracted
M : int, optional (default = None)
Maximum number of sensor to use (if None is set to the number of magic functions/sensors)
measure : np.ndarray
Measurement vector :math:\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^M`
# Check on the input M, maximum number of sensors to use
if M is None:
M = self.Mmax
elif M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
measure = np.zeros((M,))
for mm in range(M):
measure[mm] = self.norm.L2innerProd(snap, self.ms(mm))
return measure
def real_reconstruct(self, measure: np.ndarray):
The interpolant given the `measure` vector :math:`\mathbf{y}` input is computed, by solving the GEIM linear system
.. math::
\mathbb{B}\boldsymbol{\beta} = \mathbf{y}
then the interpolant is computed and returned
.. math::
\mathcal{I}_M(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{m=1}^M \beta_m[u] \cdot q_m(\mathbf{x})
measure : np.ndarray
Measurement vector, shaped as :math:`M \times N_s`, given :math:`M` the number of sensors used and :math:`N_s` the number of parametric realisation.
interp : np.ndarray
Interpolant Field :math:`\mathcal{I}_M` of GEIM
computational_time : dict
Dictionary with the CPU time of the most relevant operations during the online phase.
M, Ns = measure.shape
if M > self.Mmax:
print('The maximum number of measures must not be higher than '+str(self.Mmax)+' --> set equal to '+str(self.Mmax))
M = self.Mmax
# Variables to store the computational times
computational_time = dict()
timing = Timer()
interps = FunctionsList(self.V)
for mu in range(Ns):
y = measure[:, mu]
# Solving the linear system
coeff = la.solve(self.B[:M, :M], y, lower = True)
computational_time['LinearSystem'] = timing.stop()
# Compute the interpolant and residual
computational_time['Reconstruction'] = timing.stop()
return interps, computational_time