PWR Pin 2D Axial Symmetry - Solution

import os
import time

import sys

mesh_path      = '../../../mesh/'
benchmark_path = '../../../BenchmarkData/'

from ofelia.aux_obj import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm

Setting OpenMC materials

# from ofelia.constants import *
from ofelia.materials import * # importing parameters and OpenMC materials

path_res = './results_'+str(n_div)+'div_'+str(Power/1000)+'kW/'
if not os.path.exists(path_res):
    os.system("mkdir "+path_res)

print('The number of axial divisions is '+ str(n_div))
print('The pin power is set to ' +str(Power/1000)+' kW')

xml_materials = updateXML(mat_dict, n_div)
The number of axial divisions is 8
The pin power is set to 65.0 kW

Setting simulation parameters for FEniCSx

from ofelia.thermal import *
from import gmshio
from mpi4py import MPI
import gmsh
from IPython.display import clear_output

gdim = 2
model_rank = 0
mesh_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

mesh_factor = 0.05

# Initialize the gmsh module

# Load the .geo file

gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.MeshSizeFactor", mesh_factor)


# Domain
domain, ct, ft = gmshio.model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm = mesh_comm, rank = model_rank, gdim = gdim )


fdim = gdim - 1
domain.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, gdim)

region_markers = [1, 2, 3] # 1: fuel, 2: helium, 3: cladding

# Boundary Markers
water_out_marker = 10
inl_marker = 20
out_marker = 30

# The thermal conducticity of the helium gap is increased to consider the radiation HT
th_input = thermal_inputs(T_w_average, pressure)
physical_param = {'th_cond': np.array([3, 0.25 * 3, 16.23]) / 100., # W/cm-K
                  'htc': th_input.compute_htc(pitch, clad_or, u_in)}

# Defining and assembling the linear structures for the Thermal Calculations
TH = thermal_solver(domain, ct, ft,
                    physical_param, region_markers, water_out_marker)

Vnorms = norms(TH.funSpace, domain)


os.system("cat ../../../models/ofelia/header")
print("\n                   -- Simulation Start --\n")

# Picard settings initialization
i = 0
error = 100
alpha = 1
s1 = s1_val
sum_s = s1

# Guess temperature for the Picard Loop
Tguess_w = Tin
Tguess_f = 273.15 + 600

Tguess = []
Tguess.append(np.ones((n_div,)) * Tguess_f)
Tguess.append(np.ones((n_div,)) * Tguess_w)

# Defining class to convert power from OpenMC to FEniCSx
ExtractPower = extract_power(n_div, Power, meshSize, pin_length, pin_r, J_to_eV, tallyDict)

# The division in slices acts only on the active region
slices = np.linspace(-l_active/2, l_active/2, n_div+1)

# regLogic = parameters.assign(is_fuel + 2 * is_helium + 3 * is_clad + 4 * is_water + 5 * is_graph + 273.15)
# TH.plot2D(regLogic, L, pitch, 'pictures/regions')

#Define input folder path
path = os.getcwd()

phiE_list = [[], []] # mean, unc

q3_relaxed_list = []
q3_std_list = []
z_list = []

alpha_list = [1]
pop_list = [s1]
errors_q3_list = [1]

T_old = Function(TH.funSpace)
T_old.interpolate(lambda x: x[0] * 0. + Tin)

## Set computational time
comp_time = dict()
start_time = time.time()
start_cpu_time = time.process_time()

# os.system('python ../../../models/ofelia/')
from ofelia.build_xml import *

print('Tguess: fuel = {:.2f}'.format(np.mean(Tguess[0])-273.15)+' °C, water = {:.2f}'.format(np.mean(Tguess[1])-273.15)+' °C')
print('Tolerance for convergence: {:.2e}'.format(tol))
#print('Under relaxation constant: {:.2f}'.format(alpha))
print(' ')

while error > tol:

    print(f'Iter #{i+0:02}')
    input_folder = path + '/build_xml/it' + str(i)

    #Run the simulation
    print('  Running OpenMC'), output = False)

    #Rename the output with the info
    old_sp_name = 'statepoint.'+str(batches)+'.h5'
    old_sp_path = input_folder + '/' +old_sp_name

    new_sp_name = 'statepoint.'+str(batches)+'.it' + str(i) + '.h5'
    new_sp_path = input_folder + '/' +new_sp_name

    os.system('mv ' + old_sp_path + ' ' + new_sp_path)

    #Collecting the output (for simplicity, the k)

    # Get the energy flux from the iteration
    phiE_list, EnergyStairs = ExtractPower.getSpectrum(sp, phiE_list)

    # Get the axial power density from the iteration
    q3_unrelaxed, z, q3std, A = ExtractPower.eval(sp, i)
    q3_integral = np.trapz(q3_unrelaxed, z)
    uq3_integral = np.trapz(q3std, z)

    if i == 0:

        print('\n   Input Pin Power: {:.2f}'.format(Power/1000) + ' kW')
        print('   Pin Power calculated (MC): {:.4f}'.format(A*q3_integral/1000) + ' +- {:.2f}'.format(A*uq3_integral/1000) +' kW\n')

        q3_relaxed = q3_unrelaxed

        # Under Relaxation
        sn = (s1+ np.sqrt(s1*s1 + 4 * s1 * sum_s))/2
        error = 1

    if i>0:
        sn = (s1+ np.sqrt(s1*s1 + 4 * s1 * sum_s))/2
        sum_s = sum_s + sn
        alpha = sn/sum_s


        q3_relaxed = q3_unrelaxed * alpha + q3_relaxed_list[i-1] * (1-alpha)

        errors_q3 = np.sqrt(np.trapz( (q3_relaxed - q3_relaxed_list[i-1])**2, z) / np.trapz( (q3_relaxed)**2, z) )


    #Print the k value at the iteration
    k_eff = sp.keff
    keff = k_eff.n
    ukeff = k_eff.std_dev
    print('   keff: {:.6f}'.format(keff) + ' +- {:.6f}'.format(ukeff))
    print('   alpha = {:.4f}'.format(alpha))
    print('   Next pop size = ' + str(round(sn))+' (neutrons/cycle)\n')

    # np.savetxt(path + '/build_xml/it' + str(i) + '/q3_it' + str(i)+'.txt', np.vstack([q3, z]))
    # power_fun = importq3(path + '/build_xml/it' + str(i) + '/q3_it' + str(i)) # W/cm3

    print('  Running FEniCSx')
    power_fun, Tb_fun, res_bulk = th_input.mapping_q3_Tb(z, q3_relaxed, Tin, total_length, l_active, fuel_or)
    T_sol = TH.solve(power_fun, Tb_fun)

    # Computing regional average temperature
    average_T = []
    average_T.append(TH.computeSolidAverageT(region_markers[0], T_sol, slices))

    dimz_full = z.shape[0]
    if z.shape[0] < 100:
        dimz_full = 100
        dimz_full = z.shape[0]+100
    average_T.append(th_input.computeWaterAverageT(slices, dimz_full))

    # Computing regional errors
    errors_mat = np.zeros((len(average_T,)))
    for mat_ID in range(len(average_T)):
        errors_mat[mat_ID] = np.linalg.norm(average_T[mat_ID] - Tguess[mat_ID])/np.linalg.norm(Tguess[mat_ID])

    # Check convergence: maxIter vs error < tol?
    i += 1
    error = np.mean(errors_mat)
    error_L2 = Vnorms.L2norm(T_sol - T_old) / Vnorms.L2norm(T_old)

    Tguess = average_T.copy()
    T_old.x.array[:] = T_sol.x.array
    print(f'   Temperature regional average error: {float(error):.2e} | relative L2 error: {float(error_L2):.2e}')
    if i > 1:
        print(f'   Power density: relative L2 error {float(errors_q3):.3e}')
        error += errors_q3
    print(f'   Average T_fuel: {float(np.mean(Tguess[0])-273.15):.2f} °C | Average T_water: {float(np.mean(Tguess[1])-273.15):.2f} °C\n')

    error = errors_q3_list[i-1]
    if errors_q3_list[i-1] > tol:
        xml_materials.update(Tguess[0], Tguess[1], sn, i)

    if i >= maxIter:
        error = 0
        print(' ')
        print(' ')
        print('Warning: Maximum Number of iteration reached!')
##                                                              ##
##          OOO   FFFFF  EEEEEE   L      III       A            ##
##         O   O  F      E        L       I       A A           ##
##        O     O F      E        L       I      AAAAA          ##
##        O     O FFFF   EEEEEE   L       I     A     A         ##
##        O     O F      E        L       I     AAAAAAA         ##
##         O   O  F      E        L       I    A       A        ##
##          OOO   F      EEEEEEE  LLLLL  III  A         A       ##
##                                                              ##
##                                                              ##
##           Openmc-FEnicsx for muLtiphysics tutorIAl           ##
##                          -------                             ##
##             ERMETE Lab - Politecnico di Milano               ##
##                                                              ##
##       GitHub:        ##
##                                                              ##

                   -- Simulation Start --

Tguess: fuel = 600.00 °C, water = 290.00 °C
Tolerance for convergence: 5.00e-02

Iter #00
  Running OpenMC

   Input Pin Power: 65.00 kW
   Pin Power calculated (MC): 67.0096 +- 1.75 kW

   keff: 1.380605 +- 0.001630
   alpha = 1.0000
   Next pop size = 1214 (neutrons/cycle)

  Running FEniCSx
   Temperature regional average error: 1.60e-01 | relative L2 error: 8.60e-01
   Average T_fuel: 741.78 °C | Average T_water: 307.00 °C

Iter #01
  Running OpenMC
   keff: 1.360200 +- 0.001300
   alpha = 0.5357
   Next pop size = 1400 (neutrons/cycle)

  Running FEniCSx
   Temperature regional average error: 9.17e-02 | relative L2 error: 1.83e-01
   Power density: relative L2 error 3.985e-01
   Average T_fuel: 744.00 °C | Average T_water: 310.47 °C

Iter #02
  Running OpenMC
   keff: 1.355326 +- 0.001248
   alpha = 0.4111
   Next pop size = 1824 (neutrons/cycle)

  Running FEniCSx
   Temperature regional average error: 1.27e-02 | relative L2 error: 2.56e-02
   Power density: relative L2 error 5.613e-02
   Average T_fuel: 743.73 °C | Average T_water: 309.98 °C

Iter #03
  Running OpenMC
   keff: 1.354819 +- 0.001075
   alpha = 0.3352
   Next pop size = 2238 (neutrons/cycle)

  Running FEniCSx
   Temperature regional average error: 8.20e-03 | relative L2 error: 1.67e-02
   Power density: relative L2 error 3.630e-02
   Average T_fuel: 744.02 °C | Average T_water: 310.21 °C

Post-Processing and data storing

import pickle
from import XDMFFile

  "text.usetex": True,
  "": "serif"

plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = r'\usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{mathtools}'

comp_time['Wall time'] = (time.time() - start_time) / 60
comp_time['CPU time'] = (time.process_time() - start_cpu_time) / 60

print('Computational wall time = {:.4f}'.format(comp_time['Wall time'])+' minutes')
print('Computational CPU time = {:.4f}'.format(comp_time['CPU time'])+' minutes')

# Temperature storage in .h5 format
with XDMFFile(domain.comm, path_res+'T_sol.xdmf', "w") as loc: = "T"

# Data store using numpy arrays
res2d = TH.extract_2D_data(T_sol, total_length, clad_or)
with open(path_res+'', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump([comp_time, res_bulk, Tguess, res2d], f)

# Write axial power to txt
zWrite = np.linspace(-total_length/2, total_length/2, int(1e3))
q_to_write = np.zeros((len(zWrite), 2))
q_to_write[:, 0] = zWrite[:].flatten()
q_to_write[:, 1] = power_fun(zWrite, 0.).flatten()
np.savetxt(path_res+'axial_powerDensity.txt', q_to_write, delimiter=',')

# Write L2 error in taking the axial steps
# step_errors = np.zeros((4,))
# step_errors[0], step_errors[2] = TH.FuelAxError(T_sol, average_T, L_active, fuel_or, slices)
# step_errors[1], step_errors[3] = TH.WaterAxError(T_sol, average_T, L_active, clad_or, pitch, slices)
# np.savetxt('T_L2error_axsteps.txt', step_errors, delimiter=',')

# Under relaxation plots
fig = plt.figure (figsize = (6,4))
plt.plot(range(len(pop_list)), pop_list, '--o', label=r'$S_n$')
plt.ylabel('MC population (n/cycle)', fontsize = 20)
plt.xlabel('Iteration $i$', fontsize = 20)
#plt.legend(fontsize = 15)
fig.savefig(path_res+'PopSizeIt.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')

fig = plt.figure (figsize = (6,4))
plt.plot(range(len(alpha_list)), alpha_list, '--*', label=r'$\alpha$')
plt.ylabel('Under relaxation factor', fontsize = 20)
plt.xlabel('Iteration $i$', fontsize = 20)
#plt.legend(fontsize = 15)
fig.savefig(path_res+'AlphaIt.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')

fig = plt.figure (figsize = (6,4))
plt.semilogy(range(len(errors_q3_list)), errors_q3_list, '--x', label=r"$ \frac{\lVert (q'''_i - q'''_{i-1}) \rVert_{L^2}}{ \lVert q'''_i \rVert_{L^2}}$")
plt.axhline(y = tol, color = 'r', linestyle = '--', label="Threshold")
plt.xlabel('Iteration $i$', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel(r'Relative $L^2$ Error', fontsize = 20)
plt.legend(fontsize = 15)
fig.savefig(path_res+'ErrorsIt.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')

# Plot flux spectrum
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,6))
iCol = np.linspace(0,1,len(phiE_list[0]))
colors = [cm.jet(r) for r in iCol]

for idx in range(len(phiE_list[0])):
    plt.stairs(phiE_list[0][idx], EnergyStairs, color = colors[idx], linewidth = 1.5, label = "it "+str(idx))
    plt.stairs(phiE_list[0][idx]+1*phiE_list[1][idx], EnergyStairs, baseline=phiE_list[0][idx]-1*phiE_list[1][idx], fill=True, alpha=0.2, facecolor = colors[idx])

plt.xlabel('Energy (eV)', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel(r'Neutron fluence per unit lethargy $\left(\frac{\text{n}}{\text{cm}^2 \, \cdot \, \text{part}} \right)$', fontsize = 16)
plt.grid(linestyle = ':')
plt.legend(fontsize = 18, loc = 'upper left', framealpha = 1, ncol = 3)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=17)
fig.savefig(path_res+'phiE.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')
Computational wall time = 2.9910 minutes
Computational CPU time = 0.1665 minutes